Part 29: The Amazing World of Ice

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"Zaneth?" Necrosse called out. He peered out of a doorway into a hallway of the Inn that Danny and Ken used to stay in. He stepped out and looked around. A hellific suddenly appeared behind him. Necrosse turned around and crossed his arms.

"You wouldn't happen to know where Zaneth went would you?" Necrosse asked sarcastically. The Hellific cocked it's head and moaned loudly. "Didn't think so."

Necrosse stepped outside of the Inn and observed the city, which was now borderline ruins.

"Well it didn't take long for them to hit the panic button." Necrosse remarked in amazement. The city was now a wreck of smoke and broken glass. Hellific littered the area along with the abandoned ruins of barricades and various guns. In the corner of Necrosse's eye, he saw a little girl running away from the city. She was blond and wearing a flowing pink dress. Her hair was tied up with a cute pink bow. Necrosse frowned and looked down at his hands.

"Honestly though, where did Zaneth go?" He muttered to himself.

Danny and Ken gazed in awe at the golden colored train that stood before them. They had already paid for their tickets and the train was ready to leave. A sudden footstep behind them caused them to turn around. There behind them, and not even noticing them, was Necrosse. Danny's eyes widened as electricity crackled violently off his body. Necrosse looked up and gasped.

"Morning sunshine." He uttered. He turned to run, but Danny was already behind him grasping his suit.

"Where do you think you're going!?" Danny hissed. Necrosse stared weakly at Danny and gave him a sheepish smile.

"Hey, kiddo--"

"Where's Izzi!?" Danny asked in a murderous tone. Necrosse scratched his head.

"I don't actually... have her anymore."

A blood vessel in Danny's eye broke, causing his sclera to turn blood red. Danny let go of Necrosse and raised his hands into the hair with his index and middle finger pointing out. He then thrust his fingers into Necrosse's abdomen, causing a massive explosion and propelling Necrosse out of the station. Ken rushed over to Danny and grabbed his arm.

"Alright, you've had your revenge, let's go before the train leaves us." Ken said urgently as he drug Danny into the train. Just as they entered, the doors shut and a loud whistle echoed through the cart. Ken let out a loud sigh and went to sit down on one of the several, empty, white padded seats. Danny followed him and looked around the train. It was completely empty, and pristine white. The windows were kept clean and the floors were polished with the exception of the aisle ways, which were stained a light brown color. Fluorescent lights illuminated the entire cart. Danny sat down next to Ken. A sudden growling sound perked Ken up.

"Hungry?" Ken asked sarcastically. Danny rolled his eyes. Ken reached into his bag and rummaged around, but then let out a sigh.

"I forgot we're out of rations."

Danny groaned.

"Atleast we have our jackets for Cryoria though. I'm sure they have something to eat."

Danny's eyes widened. Ken looked at him with confusion.


"My jacket was in the bag I left in Vitiosis." He repliedKen laughed and pulled a jacket out.

"Knowing you, I packed a spare. So don't worry, I got you covered."

Danny smiled weakly and took the jacket from Ken. It was colored black and had a hood on it.

Izzi sat on her pillow with her hands on her mask. Sui was sitting nearby in deep thought. Izzi then stood up and shakily walked towards the door way.

"Where are you going?" Sui asked.

"I'm just going outside to stretch. I've been in here for too long."

Sui stood up and walked past her. He then returned and handed Izzi an Emental-sized coat and little black boots. The coat was green and black. It was very thick and felt very old.

"You'll need to wear this. It's 5 below zero outside." Sui said. Izzi looked at the jacket with curiosity.

"If it's so cold out, shouldn't I be wearing something thicker?"

Sui shook his head.

"That jacket is enchanted with pyro magic. It will always be warm no matter how cold it gets."

Izzi put on the jacket with Sui's help and strolled outside. The first thing she noticed was that there was nothing but snow and medium sized houses that resembled tents outside. It was lightly snowing, adding to the already snow covered landscape. Around the houses, some kids played using ice magic to fire snowballs from their hands. Sui suddenly stepped behind Izzi.

"Welcome to Cryoria." He said. A snowball suddenly hit both Sui and Izzi in the face, causing her to fall back on her behind. Sui wiped the snow from his face and leered over to the children who were laughing at them. All of them were wearing black coats with fur hoods over their heads and black fur boots.

"Oh that does it!" Sui exclaimed in a joyous tone. He then turned to Izzi. "What do you say we teach these kids a lesson?" He said, a smug grin stretched across his pale face. Izzi smiled and went to make a snowball. To her surprise, the snow under her moved away from her hands and towards Sui. She looked up and noticed that the snow was gathering into Sui's hands, making a giant snowball that was easily bigger than she was. Sui weightlessly lobbed it at one of the kids, completely crushing him under it.

"Isn't that a bit harsh!?" Izzi exclaimed in horror. Sui shook his head.

"It's okay, if you haven't noticed, all these kids here are cryomancers. Besides, I was the one who taught them cryomancy. They can take much more than this." He pointed to the kid that he just hit. The giant snowball that was sitting on him split into several smaller pieces and hovered in the air. The kid raised his hand, and with a swift hand motion, pointed it to Izzi, launching all the pieces at her.

"Watch out!" Sui said, flicking his finger upwards. A large wall of ice shot up from the ground in front of her, blocking the attack. Izzi scooped up a handful of snow with her one arm from under her and threw it over the wall. One of the kids thrust her hands forward, stopping the snowball and hovering it in mid air. She then pointed her pinky out, causing the snowball to rocket towards Sui's face. Sui caught it and raised his eyebrow at the girl, who giggled and ran away.

"You see Izzi, we're sort of secluded here. So all the kids know each other. When they see a stranger, their first instinct is to--" a snowball hit Sui in the face, knocking him into the snow. Sui sat up with snow splattered all over his face. "--throw snowballs at them." He clapped his hands together, and the waved them out. Several massive chunks of snow raised from the ground and rocketed at all the kids in the vicinity, hitting them all. One of the kids stood up from Sui's attack and shook off the snow. He then ran over to Izzi. He was barely taller than she was.

"Hey, you want to come play with us?"

Izzi looked up at Sui.

"Nothing a little fun can't fix. Go ahead, I'll look after you."

The kid smiled sheepishly and then grabbed Izzi's hands.
"But I can't use ice magic."The kid shook his head.

"It's okay. You can just throw snowballs."

Izzi smiled and joined the kids in their game as Sui watched.

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