Part 19: Vitiosis on edge

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Danny continued to pull Aki through the town past people screaming as they became corrupted. Aki broke away from Danny's grip and stood his ground.

"You have 10 seconds to tell me what is going on!" He demanded. Danny groaned in annoyance.

"Aki I did say the End of the World!" Danny said. Aki paused, then shook his head.
Throughout the town, the sudden distubance caused the dust that had settled on the ground over the years to kick up, severly impacting everyone's vision.

"This is bad. This dust is going to make it even more dangerous with the Hellific around."

Izzi flew past Aki and perched on Danny's shoulder.

"I'm getting a feeling, like the one I felt in the museum." She said. Danny eyed her.

"Where's it coming from?"

Izzi pointed towards a building that was hardly noticeable through the dust. Danny grasped Izzi and tucked her towards his chest; he then ran with all his might towards the building containing the emental Stone.Inside the hospital, Ken and Rose stood beside a bed with Nina in it. The hospital room, despite the dirty appearance outside the building, was extremely clean. A curtain covered a window by the bed, and towards the ceiling was a TV. Ken looked at Nina, then at Rose.

"I'm sorry for threatening you like that."

Rose raised an eyebrow."What?"

"Back in the shack, I threatened to burn it down."

Rose scoffed."You were defending yourself. I don't blame you. It's typical behavior in this town." Nina suddenly winced. Rose perked up and examined her.

"What's wrong?" Ken asked. Nina squirmed in her bed.

"Something zapped me through aura." She said. Ken picked Nina up and looked at the part of the bed under her, then looked at the IV in her arm.

"Nothing is connected to the electricity." He said. Rose shook her head.

"Nina is being shocked through her aura. That means that something is generating electricity and it's interfering with her."Ken gave Rose a confused look. She rolled her eyes.

"Nina is blind. She can't see anything. Instead she feels the area around her by vibrating the molucules around her."

"The thing that's zapping me just ran in the hospital!" She exclaimed suddenly. "It's... a boy. I didn't know there were electromancers in this town." Nina suddenly opened her eyes, which were pale white. She then relaxed her body. Ken set her down back in the bed.

"I'll go out and look around." Ken said. He opened the room door and walked out into the hospital hallway. He continued walking through the winding hallways till he arrived at the front desk to be greeted by Danny, Izzi and Aki.

"Danny!?" Ken exclaimed, he ran towards Danny and hugged him. Danny pushed him off.

"Now's not the time. We've got Hellific in the town."

Ken frowned.

"That's bad. I'm with Rose and her emental, Nina can't leave."

Danny lowered his gaze at him.


"Just pretend you know them." Ken said. Aki walked around Danny and looked at Ken.

"Who are you and why are you calling Bobo, Danny?" Ken thought for a few seconds, to which he noticed Danny behind Aki silently making a cut throat signal.

"Sorry, it's a nickname for him. I've known Bobo since he was a child." Ken replied, trying not to laugh. Danny stepped between them.

"Looks like you two are having a nice pow-wow. How about we evacuate the hospital so we all don't die?"

Ken nodded and ran towards the hospital doors.

"To my knowledge, these are the only doors that lead into the hospital." He said. Danny smiled mischievously.

"This is going to be just like a zombie survival!" Danny exclaimed in a giddy voice. Ken rolled his eyes.

"Danny, you go with Aki and Rose and make sure the Hellific aren't getting in anywhere." He ordered. Danny nodded and placed his hands on Aki's shoulder.

"Let's go hunting." He said. Him, Aki and Izzi all ran into the hallways.Nina sat up from her bed. A nurse stationed in her room adjusted Nina's IV bag, but then looked at Nina.

"Are you alright?" She asked. Nina's breathing became heavy. The nurse gently pressed her finger over Nina's wrist. Her heartbeat was racing. Rose, who was sitting near the bed, stood up.

"Is she okay?" The nurse stood up quickly and raced to the desk. She opened a drawer and picked up a syringe. She then took a bottle with a clear liquid and stuck the syringe into it, sucking up the contents. Nina stood up from her bed and slowly stumbled towards Rose.

"No! Sit down, everything is going to be okay." She said. The nurse grabbed Nina's arm and injected her with the liquid as Rose watched helplessly. Nina instantly fell to the bed. The nurse picked Nina up and set her back onto the bed where she could lay in comfort.A Hellific suddenly stumbled into the room. Rose and the nurse both looked at it with scared expressions.

"Miss?" Nina asked aloud. Rose backed away as the Hellific grabbed the nurse and wrapped it's arms around her. It then pressed it's face against hers. The nurse's skin turned black.

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