Part 7: Now who's going to clean this up?

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Danny, Ken and Izzi were facing the Hellific possesed people towards the Colosseum.

"Dude, this is just like those zombie movies. Don't let them bite you." Danny said. Ken scoffed, when suddenly a Hellific lunged at him. He jumped backwards and pointed his hands at the Hellific. Flames flickered between his fingers. The Hellific looked up at him and snarled. It's mask appeared to be part of the persons face now. 

"Danny, take Izzi and run, I'll try and stop their movement for now." Danny nodded. He took Izzi and ran away from the Colosseum, only turning with a tragic expression on his face. 

"I'll never forget you Ken!" He said in the worst tone he could muster. Several Hellific approached Ken. He swayed his hands around himself, flames began to spray from his hands, then in a single push, caused a massive wave of fire, making the Hellific recoil back and fall to the ground. Ken turned and ran to catch up with Danny, ahead in a densly forested area. Ken ran in and saw Danny and Izzi hiding behind a thick tree. He ducked behind one nearby.

"So what's the plan?" Danny whispered. His voice was not as panicky as it should be. Ken leaned against the tree and caught his breath.

"Firstly, take things more seriously, please, and secondly, we need to find the police."

High up in the air, Necrosse and Zaneth rode atop the Hellific dragon, flying in circles around a dense forested area.

"Wouldn't it be in your interest to manually infect those 3 earthlings down there, princess?" Zaneth said, looking down from the Hellific dragon. Necrosse leaned against one of it's scales and gave Zaneth an impatiant look.

"No need. The Hellific will get to them eventually. We best focus our efforts on locating the Emental Stones." 


"Sencrosse's orders." Zaneth let out a groan. "Didn't he tell you anything about the mission?" Necrosse asked, Zaneth looked up towards the sky.

"I was told the same as you." Zaneth replied. "But couldn't we just find Excalibur and take him back to Vularkia and use some alien technology to awaken him?"

"Alien Technology? It doesn't quite work like that... besides, the folder I was given told me to awaken him with the stones."

"So we're just going to go up to the most powerful Emental in history and poke him with some rocks?"

"Correct." Zaneth laughed.

"Genius plan, darling."

Danny, Ken and Izzi ran towards a building with a large sign reading "Police" and opened the glass door. No one was inside. Danny walked up to the desk and rang the desk bell.


A groaning sound echoed throughout the room. Suddenly in the doorway to the back of the office stumbled 3 Hellific dressed in police uniforms.

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