Part 13: Everyone out of the pool!

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Ken thrust his palms forward, projecting a large plume of flames at the Hellific creature, which slowly crept towards him in the dim light. The tour guide flipped out and pulled Ken's hands behind him, stopping his attack. 

"Don't do that! You'll damage the paintings!" Danny pointed at the painting. 

"Lady, does that look like a painting to you!?" He exclaimed. The Painting Hellific stood, motionless and glaring at the four of them with glowing red eyes, paralyzed by the light. The tour guide, clenched her teeth and exhaled."Fine, just, try not to completely destroy the paintings." She said solemnly. Ken rolled his eyes.

"I'll do what I must to keep us alive." Danny and Ken stood side by side and channeled their magics in their palms. Then in unisance, thrust their hands forward, throwing a large blast of electric and fire magic at the motionless Hellific. The attack past right through it's body as if it were a ghost. Ken let out a frustrated groan."None of our attacks are hitting it!" Danny turned to Ken with an astonished face.

"You don't say!" He exclaimed.

"Now is not the time for sarcasm Danny!" Izzi said but then suddenly paused. Danny raised an eyebrow.

"What's up?" Izzi put her hand over her chest.

"I feel something, it's not bad, but it's making me feel strange." Danny and Ken exchanged looks."So, Izzi's having a heart attack." Danny said.

"That's now how heart attacks work, Danny!" Ken exclaimed. The lights suddenly went out. Ken ignited his entire body, creating a bright light source. From the flames, the group could see the Hellific slowly and sturdily moving towards them like a snake through the hallway. The group quickly backed away, when Izzi suddenly perked up again.

"I feel something inside that room there." 

"Izzi I think your heart attack is getting worse." Danny said, jumping out of the hallway in into a new room. No paintings, but lots of weapons in glass cases. In the exact center of the room, was an egg shaped stone with a brown insignia shaped like a hexagon on it. Ken and the tour guide backed into the room, keeping a look out on the Hellific that was slowly approaching them.

"Oh, I have an idea!" Danny said optimistically. The tour guide looked at Danny with a confused face.

"What are you--" Danny shoved his fist, which was charged with electricty, through the glass and grabbing the stone. The tour guide screamed in horror as the alarm blared through the building. Metal corridors suddenly pounded down, closing off all of the exits to the room.

"Well that takes care of the Hellific." Ken yelled over the alarm. Danny looked at Izzi then at the stone. 

"Izzi, catch." Danny said, tossing her the stone. Izzi did so. As soon as it touched her hands, both Izzi and the stone emitted an extremely bright white light. The sound of earth cracking pounded through the room as the light dimmed, revealing Izzi's body had changed. Her wings were folded against her body, which now bore slabs of rock as armor. On her hands were thick rock gauntlets. "Nailed it." Danny said, snapping his fingers. The tour guide shoved herself between Danny and Izzi.

"You are not leaving this building with that stone! That is an antique!" She exclaimed. Danny eyed her closely. His expression turned from it's usual careless expression to dim and eerie.

"Unless you want those painting things to cover the planet, you will let us keep the stone. We actually know what is going on, now go some place to hide so you are out of the way!" Danny hissed. Ken's mouth gaped open in surprise. "Izzi, test out what you can do now." Izzi nodded and punched her fists into the ground. The entire ground shook as a giant slab of rock under them arose. Izzi clapped her hands together, then thrusted her hands upwards, pushing the giant slab towards the ceiling, and then breaking a giant hole in it. Izzi then set them right outside the museum on the giant slab. The light of day pounded onto Danny, Ken and Izzi. Danny covered his eyes as they adjusted back to the light. The tour guide sat quietly at the edge.

"So now what?" Danny asked as he hopped off the rock. Ken looked towards the museum.

"First off, we need to seal that so none of the monsters in there can get out." Izzi nodded, and then thrust her hands into the ground once more, this time creating several slabs of rock that emerged from the ground that then covered the museum like a pyramid. She then fell to her knees. Danny picked her up and cradled her in his arms. The rock armor on Izzi's body crumbled away, leaving an Emental Stone in a sleeping Izzi's arms.

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