Part 14: Sui, the Cryomaster

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Necrosse presented a medium sized map showing the continent Sandibar.

"This is a map of Sandibar taken 2 years ago." He said. Necrosse then pulled out another map, this one appearing very old. The paper was wrinkled and yellowed. 

"And this is a map of the area 1000 years ago. So then Excalibur's last known place would be about here." Necrosse drew a circle with his finger on the more recent map. A sudden gust of wind blew past them, blowing the two maps away. Without any hesitation, Necrosse caught both and pressed them back down.

"So he's in Cryoria?" Zaneth asked. Necrosse nodded.

"It's our best lead. According to our resources, he shouldn't be very difficult to find. The entire area is just snow, ice, and rocks." The wind started to pick up, accumulating frost on both Zaneth and Necrosse. Zaneth huddled next to him, only to be forcibly pushed away. Suddenly, a cubic device on Necrosse's hip let out a loud beeping sound.

"Found him." Necrosse remarked. Zaneth tapped on the dragon's back, motioning for it to land. The hellific dragon let out a moan, and grounded into the snow with a loud thud. Both Zaneth and Necrosse slip off it's side, and into the snow.

"Okay, where do we dig?" Zaneth asked. Necrosse held the device out, it beeped violently. Necrosse pointed right under them.

Zaneth, with a single swish of his body, snapped his fingers. The hellific dragon stuck one of it's claws into the ground, and began digging out a large hole from the snow.

"So, darling, how are you able to tell where he is?"

"Excalibur is in a Solace state, causing his body to constantly emite a large amount of soul energy. This device can easily detect it." Necrosse was suddenly cut off by the dragon's claws hitting something hard. Much harder than a rock.

"Here we go." Zaneth said. He snapped his fingers again, and pulled Necrosse away from the hole. The hellific dragon recoiled back, and then blew out a heavy stream of fire right into the hole, melting all the surrounding snow. After the steam cleared, a massive, decorated, door was revealed. It was surrounded by ice, that had instantly frozen after melting. Necrosse stepped into the hole, which he quickly lost his footing and fell face first into the door. Zaneth let out a snicker. Necrosse prying his face from the door and let out a grumble. Suddenly, the hellific dragon behind them let out a pained scream, and then exploded into a cloud of black smoke. Necrosse and Zaneth spun around and saw a black silhouette standing among the smoke. The figure appeared to be wearing a cloak, as well as a hat that looked similar to a miniature umbrella. In his hand, was a long katana.

"Identify yourself!" Necrosse exclaimed. Two long swords materialized in his hands. Faster than the two aliens could even blink, the figure vanished, and re-appeared leering in front of Necrosse. His eyes were glowing white. The light from his eyes made it possible to just distinguish his features. His hat and not a cloak, but a robe, were both blue, and he was wearing a what appeared to be a plain, white, kimono top tucked into a kimono belt. Both had a snow-like design and were colored silver. Both his eyes and hair, which was tied in a ponytail, were completely white.

"Identify yourself." He said, almost in a mocking tone. He sounded like a young adult, but his tone was very cold. Necrosse smirked.

"Would I be racist to assume you're a cryomancer?" Necrosse looked over to Zaneth, but noticed that his own arm had been encased in ice. "I'll take that as a yes."

"Sui." The figure said. "I watch over this tomb, and you're trespassing. You are to depart immediately."

"My apologies, Sui, but I'm here on business. Sorry to be an interruption, I will be on my way as soon as my work is done. For the time being, you may call me Necrosse. My associate over there is Zaneth."
Sui stepped back, giving Necrosse some room to breath.
"What are you doing here?" Sui asked, his tone was colder than the wind that blew violently past them.

"Just business. Nothing to worry about. If you would be so kind, we would like to continue without you staring me down."

Sui gripped his sword and held it so it was just under Necrosse's neck.

"Details." Necrosse gulped and held his head back.

"I'm not allowed to--"

"Details." Sui repeated forcefully. Necrosse smiled sheepishly.

"We're looking for someone. An emental who goes by the name Excalibur. Maybe you know where he is?"
Sui's already cold expression turned dark. He moved his sword, only to grasp Necrosse's neck.


"I'm sorry...?" Necrosse was cut off by Sui ripping him from the door, and throwing him out of the hole. A large wall of ice materialized from the ground, causing Necrosse to crash into it, shattering it completely.

"Captain!" Zaneth exclaimed. He ran towards Necrosse and looked over his body. However, as soon as he was able to kneel down, Sui was already looming over them. His cloak gave the appearance of surrounding them, choking them like a pair of massive wings. He held the point of his sword out at Necrosse and Zaneth. A ball of light grew at it's tip.

Zaneth snapped his fingers. The hellific dragon re-materialized from the ground. He then effortlessly picked Necrosse up and frantically climbed up it's side. He hastily slapped it's back, and then flew off into the wind, leaving Sui behind.

"Are you okay Necrosse?" Zaneth asked. Necrosse sat up, realizing Zaneth was cradling him in his arms.

"This complicates things."

Danny, Ken, and Izzi, stepped into a hardwood room with a twin sized bed on each side.

"Dibs on the left side!" Danny said cheerfully, grasping Izzi's body like a football and catapulting himself onto the bed. Ken let out a laugh and sat down on the other bed.

"So, why do you think there are aliens spreading this disease?" Ken asked. Danny sat up, a smirk was still spread across his face.

"Dunno. But I can definitely say the church won't be very happy!" Danny laughed and flopped back onto the bed and cuddled up to Izzi. Outside, it was starting to get dark out. Just before falling asleep, Danny kissed Izzi's nose, and dozed off.

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