t w e n t y e i g h t

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Chapter 29

Claire's point of view

I sink into the chair, staring at the email for at least a few minutes. Millions of thoughts appear in my head, and i'm trying to search for a reason why he did it. But i can't think of any.

I get flashbacks from when Louis marched into our room and beat up Harry, how this email made me do awful things to my brother. Even Michael. We don't have a relationship anymore because of this picture. And to know now that Harry is responsible for all of it -- i can't quite process it.

I need answers. I need to know why, but when i try to bring up the courage to march into the kitchen and scream at him, i can't seem to move. I'm paralyzed, and i can't do anything but stare at the screen.

Why? Why would Harry put his career and so much else on the line just to let the world know about this kiss? I'm unable to focus on a single thought, so i have to close my eyes and take a deep breath before slowly but surely getting up and out of the room. I see Harry putting out plates on the table, with two glasses and champagne? There's nothing to celebrate now.

I can imagine how the future would be. Us two, up in our apartment in New York, cuddling up under the sheets while watching some cheesy rom-com. I have thought about it every single day since he asked me to move with him. How i would get a fresh start, i could meet new people and set up a life for myself. But now i have just been dragged further down the black hole that has been under me ever since the photo came out. I used to think that the worst person to send the picture, would be Michael. But this is more hurtful than that ever was.

I walk into the kitchen, stumbling a few times before i balance myself. He looks up and smiles, comes over and kisses my on the cheek. When he looks down on me, he can see my trembling lips, the small tear brewing in the corner of my eye, and the furious arch of my eyebrows.

"W-whats wrong?" he says, stroking my arms up and down.

"Please tell me it's not true," i clear my throat before speaking, so he would hear me. His eyes look confused at first, but then he must realize what i'm talking about - and what i saw. Because his face becomes pale in an instant, his hands weaken and his eyes fill with panic.

"Claire, please let me explai-" he starts weakly, his lips barely moving. At the sound of his voice, a sudden burst of anger shoots through my body.

"NO!" i push him away, but he doesn't budge from his position.

"I won't let you explain! How could you possibly explain why you sent in the photo?" I lose control over my body, the anger taking over my expression. He tries to speak, but i interrupt him a second time.

"Could you have any reason to destroy my relationship with my best friend, my brother!?" i scream.

"He won't even talk to me! You let me believe that Michael was to blame, and you let me completely shut my brother out, why?!" a tear falls down from my eyes and he breathes heavier, searching for something to say.

"I didn't mean for it too happen that way, but it..." he defends himself, with the look of panic in his eyes.

"But what Harry?" i say a little more calm, wanting to hear him explain. It takes a few seconds of him looking around and finding the words for him to talk. I notice a tear in his eyes.

"Niall..." he speaks lowly.

He walks further back and sits down on a chair, as i try to understand what he could possibly mean.

"What?" Niall? What about Niall?

"He was too persistent... He wouldn't back off," i can see him clenching his fist together as he looks down on the ground, unwilling to meet my eye.

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