.:Chapter 12:.

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Ruby's POV

When I woke up it was still dark.
I looked at my clock which was hard to see, so I took my phone and looked at the time.

It was 3:00 A.M

I stood up and headed right towards the light switch.
I opened the light and I saw the book that Elcia was reading.

I walked towards it and grabbed it.
I sat on the edge of my bed and opened the book.

The book has words that I don't even understand.

I opened it not minding the page.
What I saw was some kind of ritual thingy.


That was the symbol at the middle of the page.

I closed the book and placed it at my bed side table.

I stood up and walked towards the door.
I closed the light and slowly walked down the stairs.

I saw big brother reading a book at the dinning table.

"Why are you awake up at this hour?" He asked, not removing his gaze on the book he was reading.

"I woke up early I guess." I said as I shrugged.

"Very rare of you to wake up early, Ruby." He said

"Change yourself up. Were going to the village." He said

I headed upstairs for a bath.
After my bath I wore a simple blue T - shirt, skinny jeans, and my sneakers, I also wore my jacket since it's freaking cold.

I grabbed my sling bag and stuffed my phone as well as Elcia's book.

I headed downstairs seeing that all lights are closed but the lights at the doorway.

I headed for the doorway and walked out the door.
I saw big brother leaning on the wall with his eyes closed.

"Uhh..." - me

He then opened his eyes and stuffed his hands into his pockets.
He began to walk.

"C'mon." He said

I trailed behind him as we walked towards somewhere.
We arrived at a cafe, when we entered it I saw Elcia, Alastor, and Spade sitting down while drinking coffee.

"Are the others late?" Yuuta asked

"Yep. It is 3:30 A.M after all." Spade said as he sipped his coffee.

"Why did you want us to *Yawn* come here?" Elcia asked

"Don't even ask. 😑😑" Yuuta said

We then heard the door open, I heard a boy yawn as they walked in.

"Damn you Yuuta. =-=" Haru said with a sleep depriven look.

"Anyways let's go." He said

We walked out of the cafe and to somewhere else... AGAIN
We stopped at a some what unique school.

"This school is where you guys will go now. With Elder Rhea's guidance." He said.
He pushed open the door.

We saw a person walk over to us and said, "Welcome to Roozvelt Academy." The lady said.

"Please follow me to Lady Emily's office." She formaly said.

We followed her walk in the spacious hallway.
The hallway was lined with a long red carpet, lamps hung onto the wall.

It looks more like a medevil castel more than a school.

We came to a stop at an Oak door.

The lady knocked three times and said, "Lady Emily, Yuuta Tyler and his friends are here. May we enter?" She asked.

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