.:Chapter 16:.

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Lucas's POV

"Liar..." I heard Ruby said as I was half way on her side.

'Liar? What does she mean..?' I thought
I took a peek and her facial expression is different from her usual.

I walked over to her, as I sat down next to her she then spoke.

"Oh, hey Lucas!" She said with a smile.

"Yo." I replied

"Why are you here?" She asked

My cheeks flushed a tint of red, "Nothing." I said as I looked away.

Why am I blushing?? Why?!

"AYYEEE!!! DO CHU HAVE A CRUSHU ON SOMEONE?!" She screamed, my god that was ear rape.

"SHHH!!! JESUS!" I exclaimed as I rubbed my ear.

"Okay, okay... So? Who's you're crush." She asked

"Not tellin' ya." I said

"No fair!" She said, she then pouted.
She looks cute...


I just stayed silent.

"Earth to lucas." she said

"What?" I asked

"Phew. I thought you were dead... The person that you will marry will be lucky." She said with a smile, she looked up to the blue sky.

She is a weird person...

"How come?" I asked

"You're protective, kind, ect." She said

"Seriously, explain good crap. Make it f'ing detailed woman." I said
She then chuckled.

"Noooopppee." She said

"That's it!" I exclaimed, I then tickled her. She falled onto her side, laughing very hard.

"STAHP AHAHAHAH!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂" She said
I just kept tickling her, I then stopped.

"Tickle demon... RUBY ABUSE!" She said as she pointed to moi.

"Nope, mind abuse." I said

"Lucas X Ruby moment?" I heard someone said, sounding not assured.

"Okay, Shiray get out there." I said

"NUUUUU!!!" Shiray exclaimed

"Shiray to Haru. I failed, over." She said


"Butt face, over." Shiray replied
Haru came out from the tree and slapped Shiray softly.

"Otaku/Shipper." Haru said, as she laughed.

"True." Ruby and Shiray said

"Uhm..." is all that I could say.

"Oh, hey Lucas." Shiray said

"Yo." I replied

"Imma ju--" I was cut off because f'ing Shiray tickled moi!

"YER NUT GUNNA LEAF US!!" She exclaimed

"XANDER HALP MOI!!" I called Xander
After I called him, he jumped out of no where and started tickling Shiray, she then let's go of me.

"SAVE MEH!!" She exclaimed
We then laughed.


Me and Denise are at the library, while the others are at their dorms.

"So, Ms. Denise Cathy Baron. You have the blood line to the Baron throne, Ms. Baron. You need to know well of what you're dealing with." I said, me and Denise are having a talk about her kingdom. Since she is the only serious one that I know.

"I am very aware of that Mr. Wilt, I am dealing with the major priorities of my people. A kingdom is very hard to rule, while being a child of Ms. Alea Wilt and Mr. Garry Wilt is slightly easier." She said

"How come? Being their offspring is hard. For when I was little, they set up a rule that me and Xander can't go outside and play with other children. For there you seek, it was about my social rank to be blamed about." I said

"Well yes, that might be an issue but leading a kingdom is far worse. Hundreds of people are needed to be watched over, doing rules and putting a trial up for those who disobey these rules. For you see, it's far more harder to be a child of a king and a queen." She said

"Anyways, Ms. Baron. What may you really be?" I asked

"The child of half bloods. I am a demigod to be honest." She said (This is sooooo Denise XD)

"A very nice word to put it, eh?" I said

"What can I say, I love PJO and HoO." She said, she then chuckled.

"Okay, you're a PJO addict, Denise." I said

"And HoO." She added

"But I guess you called me in because of her magic... Didn't you?" She said

"Yes, let us discuss about this." I said



Guys I am sorry for this short chappy

Denise is based out of the real Denise XD

But, I agree that they are mostly serious

Unless they have a time to joke around

But, anyways....



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