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I was so tired, I heard a crash and a scream downstairs and jumped out of the bed to see toms chairlift in the middle of the stairs   and Thomas lying at the bottom of the stairs with finnley next to him "what are you two playing at" I yelled "Finney dared me mummy" Thomas said "I don't care boys you know that the chairlift is not a toy, your father needs that so he can get up and down the stairs" "sorry mummy" they said "go to your room finnley" I said as he stormed up the stairs as I knelt down next to thomas on the floor "what hurts baby" I asked him "my arm, I can't move it mummy it hurts" he said as I moved his little arm feeling for any broken bones "it hurts bunny" he said cryobg "call me here baby" I said as I picked him up in my arms and headed upstairs to find tom asleep in bed "tom" I said shaking him awake "huh, what is it doll?" He asked "Thomas has broken his arm" I said as I placed him on the bed "what come here birdie" tom said to Thomas and he crawled over to tom, "ouch daddy" he said as tom gripped his arm "I'll get dressed and take him to the hospital, are you okay to watch the kids" I said " of course I am, I'm more than capable of looking after my own children" he snapped " I never said that you weren't" I yelled as I threw my jeans across the bed hitting him with them "god your so moody" he snapped "go fuck yourself tom" I did as I got dressed and headed to the hospital with Thomas.

I headed to the hospital with Thomas and he rested his head in my chest as we waited for the doctor "mummy are you and daddy splitting up?" He asked me I frowned and looked Dow. at the little boy as I stroked his brown hair "why, of course not baby" I said though I wasn't sure who I was trying to convince myself or my son.Afterwards  I left the hospital with Thomas in a green cast on his broken arm "come on then soilder" I said as I placed him in his car seat and drove back home.

Thomas was asleep in the car when I got home, I carefully picked him out of the car seat and lifted him in the house placing him on the sofa, letting him nap there. "I'm sorry" tom said from behind me and I sighed "so you've said before tom, this can't keep happening tom I have to put the kids first, I can't keep putting them through this, you know Thomas asked me of we were splitting up and I didn't know what to tell him, cause look at us tom were not the same" I said " what are you trying to say" he asked me " I don't know,the kids have to be first" I said " your leaving me" he asked "no, tom I love you, your my life you know that, I couldn't live without you" " no your right, I think it's best of we go our separate ways" he said as tears filled up in my eyes "no, please don't" I said "I'm sorry" he said as I crumbled to the floor he kissed me on the head " why don't you just say it tom" I said as I wiped myvtears "say what" " you blame me, for the accident all because I jumped in front of Finn and got hit by the shotgun, and kyle returned and nearly jumped off the roof, you blame me, cause if I never got shot you wouldn't of had to testify against him and he wouldn't do got a education inside and returned" I said and he looked at me and said nothing but the look on his face said it all "the look says it all, if its what you want then one were over" I said as I pulled off my rings and threw them at him.

A/n: don't worry sophom will be back, once tom realises how much he loves Sophie and what an area he's being of her.

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