A holiday

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I woke up next to tom and turned over to see that he was sleeping still. I placed my hand on his cheek caressing his face, I kissed his lips his stumble brushing against my face as I stood up from the bed and grabbed toms discarded dress shirt from the floor placing it around my naked  body. I walked across the room, noticing just how quiet the house was without the kids. I walked across the room noticing the funeral service leaflet from my dads funeral. I picked it up off the  floor and looked to the sparkling blue eyes like my own on the front "love you daddy" I said as I brushed my finger over his face. I walked into the bathroom switching on the shower, the warm water hitting me. I wet my hair letting the water hit my face, when a pair of hands landed on my hips, I jumped at the contact and turned to see tom "morning" he said smirking "morning to you too" I said as I turned round to placing my arms around his neck as he packed me into the wall. I flinched as the cold tiles made contact with my back. Tom placed his hands on my thighs raising my leg so that it was wrapped around his hip and so that he could positon himself before he pushed into me. I moaned as I took his length taking a minute to adjust to it, running my nails down his back "you cant get enough of me, can you?" he said as he smirked into my neck "no I cant, I need to ask much as you need me...fuck" I said as I dug my nails into his back.

"okay I think we got everything" I said as I placed the last of the bags into the car "you do realise that we are only going for three days" tom said and I rolled my eyes "you do realise that they're is six of us, including a baby" I said as he shrugged and I tossed him the car keys "come on, I want to miss the lunch time rush" I said as I got in the car "yes boss" tom said "i heard that" I said as he got in the car sitting next to me "do you realise that this is our first holiday together" I said "what, without the kids in the back of the car, asking if were there yet" tom said and I chuckled "who the twins?" I said "how at you feeling?" he asked placing a hand on my cheek "I--im getting there, its hard knowing ill never see him again, knowing autumn will never know her pops, I don't know I hurts and I don't want to admit Hes gone" I said wiping my tears away "im here, baby im your husband and not going anywhere, im your husband and your stuck with me" he said and I smiled placing my hand in his which has on my cheek, I leant into his hand "thank you" I said as he kissed me.

I had fallen asleep and when I woke up, I looked to tom "where are we?" I asked "we're about five minutes away" he said. We got to the school house and I spotted tom pick up a picture on the side of Maggie and grantly, from when they got married "Tom?" I said "hmm" he said looking up to me with tears in his eyes "its not your fault, you know that right" I said as he wiped away the tears. I pulled him into a hug as he cried onto my shoulder "he died, soph, he was relaying on me for the transplant and he died" he said "tom, you couldn't of gone through with it, you were in hospital  for weeks, in a coma after that fall, which I thought had killed you when you fell my heart stopped, my life stopped for the five seconds it took for you to hit the ground, I could of lost you, I thought I did, if would of lost you of you went through with that surgery tom, you weren't strong enough if I lost you I would have been left with three kids, I was pregnant with the twins and nineteen-----if I lost you I couldn't cope, your my life tom Clarkson I cant loose you" I said.

I walked upstairs to see the twins playing with cars and sammi colouring in her book "hey" I said as I walked n and they all ran over to me cuddling me "mummy" I smiled as I hugged them, I missed my babies "where's your sister" I asked "downstairs with Maggie" sammi said and I nodded as I went down to see autumn lying in the mosses basket "hi princess" I said as I picked her up and held her in my arms. Im glad im back with my babies, my family.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 3Where stories live. Discover now