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Tom woke me  handing me a cup of coffee "hey" i said as i itook the coffee from him holding it in my hands as he kissed my forehead "what time is it" i asked as tom sat at the foot of the bed "its just past nine" he said "kids?" i asked "watching tv, with maggie and autunm has just had her bottle and gone back to sleep" he said as i sat ack against the headboard and placed my cup on the side. "so we have time" i said smirking "what sort of time" he asked as i stood up and walked over to him where he was sitting on the bed and straddled his waist wrapping my arms around his neck. i felt toms hands travelling to my lower back down to my bum squeezing it "god i love you" he said as i pushed my wieght down onto him pushing him onto the bedad falling onto of him, myblonde hair drapped over onto his face, I pushed it back behind my ear "your not to bad yourself" i said as tom moved his hands up my tom squuezig my boobs, i jumped as his cold hands made contact with my warm skin. He rolled over so that he was on top. His hands travelling up my legs pulling off the panties i was wearing. I watched him as eh shuffled out of the pjs bottoms he was wearing and walked over to me "wait...condom?" i said and he groaned "condom or no, i dont want more kids" i said as eh sighed and grabbed a condom of the side "you know you prefer it without one" he said and i rolled my eyes as he slid the condom on and he postioned himself and pluged into me i moaned and arched myself of the bed as his hands travellled under his top which i was wearing "not to bad huh?" he siad "not at all" i said as i bite my lip, he knew the control that he had on me, on my body.

An hour later after showering i got up and dressed and downstiars to see tom with the kids "morning" he said as he smirked at me, he is so going to pay for his "hey, so how about you three go get dressed and daddy sad he was going to take you to the beach" i said "yey" they said as they ran upatiars "did i now?" tom asked me his hand on my lower back "keep your hands to yourself" i said and he smirked at me. We got to the beach and i stood pushing autunm in the pushchair as the twins stood in the sea splashing each other "no further in" i said to them "okay mummy" thomas said. I watched as sammi build her sandcastle and smiled at me "what are you smiling like an idiot for" tom asked me "no reason, why are you looking like an ass" i said "im pretty sure ive looked like an arse for the past ten years or so ive been told by you" he said "your still an ass" i siad "and your an idiot" he said "i must be too love you" i said as i placed autunm on the blanket and she sat up watching sammi " say that again" tom said as he walked towards him i backed away from him "no" i said as he started to chase me across the beach. He caught me and knocke me to the ground the both of us landing on the sand "say that again" he said "idiot" i siad as he started to tickle me " tom stop im ticklish" i siad as he tickeld me "oh i know" he siad "mummy? daddy" i heard thomas yell and we shoot up to see finley on the ground. Tom ran off over to him and i ran after as tom picked him up " are you okay?" i asked finley "im fine mummy i just felt dizzy" he said "here, have a drink and go and sit with your sister" tom said handing him a bottle of water.

Later that night after getting the kids ready for bed tom walked into the room "what?" i asked him "go get ready im taking you out" he said and i frowned "you are?" "i am, i have reservations at eight now go and get ready" he said. I headed upstairs and showered when i came out there was a purple dress tom loved so much on the bed. I looked at the underwear he had picked up and smirked to myself deciding to tease him and slipped just the drress and heels on. i applied my make up and fixed my hair in the mirror before i slipped on a braclet i got gotten of tom last year. I walked downstairs to see tom ina suit, my reath caught in my throat, he still took my breathe away "you look beautful as always, idiot" he said to me " and yuo looked like a piece of shit, arse" i said as he gave me his hand to take. Tom took me to a restaurant and we took a seat by the window. I slipped off my heels as they were hurting my feet, damn being small. I waited until the waiter came and took our order "ill have a beer and--- err" tom said as i slid my foot up his leg and up into his thigh teasing him, i bite my lip looking at him as he glared at me "and she'll have a glass of white wine" tom siad ordering for me "i dont lik it hwen youo rder for me i can do it myself" i said "yes and i dont like it when you tease me in public and all it makes me want to do is take you over the table in front of everyone" he said "promises promises" i said smirking "you dont think i would" "no, becuase oyu dont like men looking at me and by the way im not wearing any underwear and i mean any" i said and i watched as his eyes darkened, i had turned him on. The waiter came back with our drinks and i grabbed my glass taking a sip as tom glared at me "your so gonna pay for this" he said taking a sip of beer "is that so?" "yes baby" he said

Later that night after eating we decided to go for a walk "the beach? i know it was always your favourite when we lived here" tom said "why not" i said as we took a walk on the beach, the beach was usually dark was lit with candle. I looked to see 'will you marry me again?' in the sands surrounded by candles "tom ,what is--?" i aksed turning round to see tom down on one knee "sophie patricia mason-clarkson, i never thought i would fall in love with a girl like you, so beautfil, smart, funny, the love of my life and i couldnt pick a better mother to my children and i always dread the day you turn around ad walk out on me, ive hurt you and pushed you away so many times but youve always been there, i love oyu so much and you never got your wedding the first time, just at the regisiter office, i want to marry you infront of our friends and familys and show the world what you mean to me, will uoi marry me again?" he siad "yes..yes...yes" i siad bending down and kissing him. He grabbed me by the waist and rolled me over into the sand "god, i love you so much" he said as he kissed me i wraaped my legs around his waist pulling ihm closer to me "youve been teasing me all night, now im going ot make you pay" tom siad sliding his hand up my thigh.

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