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Two weeks later I was back to work and it felt as if I hadn't been back I headed home after work and was unable to find tom, I was guessing he left early. I walked into the house where I found tom sitting in the living room "tom?" I said and he wiped his eyes he had been crying "what happened" I asked him as he avoided eye contact with me "im sorry" he said to me "your scarring me" I said to him "its your mum" he said and I felt my heart sink "tom, what happened, what happened to my mum" I asked "eddie called there was  a car crash" he said and I sunk to the floor "is she alright" I asked as I placed my head in my hands "i don't know, eddie said that she had lost a lot of blood and she was critical" he said and I felt the tears fall from my eyes as tom walked over to me and pulled me up by the arm as if I was a rag doll and I wrapped my arms around him as I began to cry "i need to pick the kids up" I said as I grabbed my keys and headed outside "sophie" tom called as he ran after me, he climbed into the car as I drove off  "your in to position to drive" he said "don't tll me what to do" I snapped "im your husband I promised to protect you even if that means stop you acting like a mad woman" "im not mad"  "no, your in shock and going to get us killed especially driving at this speed" he said as he grabbed the steering wheel and pulled us over.

"im sorry" I mumbled as I sat in the car "talk to me, what are you thinking?" he asked "im thinking that I cant lose her, she may be a control freak but I know im getting more like her as I get older, shes my mum shes the only parents I have yes I have Eddie who adopted me but she raised me, she was a  single mum at seventeen and my dad... Well you know all about that"  said and he pulled me into a hug "if I lost her, I don't know how I could cope tom, shes my mum" I said as I started to cry and he pulled me into his chest where I cried "ill call josh, ask if he can get the kids and im taking you to the hospital to see your mum" he said and I smiled "thank you" I said. Tom drove to the hospital and I ran I and found eddie "eddie" I called as I found him in the hallway "sophie" he said turning round to face me I ran to him and he hugged me "hey kiddo" he said and I noticed he had a cut on his head "are you okay" I asked him "im fine, its just a cut" he said "what happened" I asked him "your mum was driving and we were going out we were driving in town when a car went through a red light, the police think its a drunk driver the car it drove right into her, she lost a lot, a lot of blood" he said and I placed my hand over my mouth as I tried not to cry "have you been checked out eddie" tom asked him and he shuck his head "why don't you go get checked out, sophie and I will be here" tom said and eddie went off.

I stood at the window of the my mums hospital as I watched the doctors prod and poke her "do you think she'll be okay" I asked tom as he placed his hand on  my lower back and I sighed as I rest my head on his shoulder "she's your mum, if shes anything like you she'll be a fighter" he said "shes not as strong as she looks, shes in her forties" I said "oi" he said "its different to men then it is for woman, im not even twenty five yet and I could loose my mum" I said as the doctors came out "can I see her" I asked "are you family" "im her daughter" I said and they let me sit in with her "im going to phone josh see how the kids are" tom said and I nodded as I held my mums hand "are you trying to give me a heart attack mum, im the one in the family who spends time in hospitals" I said and I watched her lie there not moving her blonde hair lay perfectly on her shoulders "i thought we were dome with hospitals after me being ill then my anorexia, the fire and then theres when I had a miscarriage twice to come to think of it ive been in hospital a lot, then theres the time tom feel off to roof I thought he'd died I honestly did. you need to wake up mum I need you, your too young to die you you have to watch your grandchildren grow im not ready lose you yet" I said ad I wiped my eyes "how is she?£ eddie asked as he walked into the room £looking perfect as always" I said and he smiled "she'll be fine soph" eddie said "i hope your right eddie" I said as I noticed tom pacing as he was on the phone "ill be back" I said as I walked out of the room to find tom standing in the hall "hey" he said and I ran to him and hugged me "shell be fine" he said "i really the hospitals ive spet enough  time for a lifetime in these places" I said and he chuckled "how are the kids" I asked "sammis asking questions, and Thomas is working himself but finnley is fine" he said and I chuckled "come on lets go see how your mum is then we'll go home" he said and I nodded as we linked hands and headed back into the hospital room.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 3Where stories live. Discover now