restless nights

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I glanced to the clock to see it was 1:30am I groaned as autumn continued to cry "sophie" tom said mumbling into his pillow, I sat up and looked at him as eh continued to sleep before grabbing my pillow and hitting him with it "jerk" I mumbled as I got out of bed and walked over to the crib and picked autumn up "hey, baby girl are you hungry" I asked her as she cuddled into my chest. I glanced at tom as h rolled back over and continued to snore as I leant onto the bed and pushed him off as he fell to the floor waking up as i  walked out. I headed downstairs and prepared a bottle for autumn. I sat in the sitting room as I fed her and spent an hour trying to get her back to sleep before heading back to bed. where I placed autumn back into the cot and lay back into bed falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up hours later to see it wasn't hours and it was five, I got out of bed as I heard a bang followed by autumns crying "sophie?" tom said "don't sophie me, shes your daughter too" I said tired "your the mother" he said as I sat up and hit his chest "will you stop hitting me" he said "will you stop being an arse, and go and see what are sons are doing at five in the morning before they wake sammi up and shes up for the day" I said and he sighed and stood up out of the bed grabbing a pair of boxers off the side and slipping them on before walking out. I walked over to the crib and calmed autumn she wasn't due another feed for an hour. I just got her back to sleep when tom walked back in "whats going on" I asked "Thomas, he wanted to play trains" tom said "at this time" I asked as I felt my eyes dropping "you look exhausted" tom said "i am" I said "mummy" I heard sammi call "uh god that's means e up for the day" I said as sammi walked in "hi baby, what are you doing up" I asked "Thomas and finley are fighting" she said "okay, why don't you go down and watch some tv and ill sort it out" I said kissing her forehead and brushing her dark hair out of her face. "okay" she said and I smiled as I walked into the bathroom and splashed some water onto my face, making me up as I heard a scream from the twins room "whats is going on here" I asked as they froze looking at me "he pushed me off the bed" Thomas said and I sighed "are you hurt" I asked Thomas "my foot hurts" he said and I knelt down on the floor to have a look at his little foot "his fine, its bruised now unless you two are going to watch tv with your sister quietly down stairs I suggest you get back to bed" I said and they nodded at me an walked down stairs.

I walked back into my room to see tom was fast asleep snoring, how come im the only one in this marriage who doesn't get to sleep. I picked autumn out of the grip and walked downstairs and placed her in her moses basket as I walked into the kitchen making breakfast. I sat with a cup of coffee trying not to sleep when tom walked in "good morning" he said as he walked into the kitchen and I glared at him "is it?" I asked "what the matter with you now" he asked as I slammed the cup I was holding in the sink "whats the matter with me? really tom? remind me in the part I got myself pregnant, cause it god damn feels that way, three weeks, its been three weeks and I have barely slept,  why cant you just get up and feed her, im so tired tom" I said "don't you think I wake when you get up" he asked "no, I don't and when you do its to tell me to get up" I said as he walked over a took my hand, brushing his fingers over my knuckles after over ten years there was still that spark between us "im sorry" he said and I nodded "why did you fall in love with me, I mean im a mess you could of stayed with Davina, you could of choice a better mum then me" I said tears in my eyes "no, there's no one else I would want as the mother of my children, I love you sophie clarkson, you are my wife and if I had to make the decision again of being with you and would of choice you, as I cant imagine anyone else as the mother to my children" he said as he kissed my forehead "you could of had a better mother ,your children, im twenty four and I have four kids and they don't listen to me, I feel as Im a rubbish mother" I said crying, he wiped the tear under my eye away "no, your a brilliant mother okay, and the boys well they just--- they need a reality check and I admit I haven't been the best husband I need to help you out more" he said as he rested his forehead against mine " I love you" he said as he placed his hands on my hips "i love you too" I said as autumn started to cry " shes due a feed" I said "ill get her, go ad get some more sleep okay" he said and I nodded "thank you" I said

The Tale Of Sophom Book 3Where stories live. Discover now