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It was raining when I had gotten home with the kids, tom was still at work I opened the door and kicked my high heels off as I hung my coat up "come on kids, its getting late we better get you to bed" I said as I looked to the clock to see it was nearly seven "mummy there's a lady in the sitting room with a gun" Thomas said and I  felt my blood run cold as I walked into the living room and seen rose Kelly standing with a gun, "rose what are you doing here" I asked her as my three children stood behind me "you stole tom off me, and you'll pay" she said as she clutched the gun to her side "rose, we'll talk just put the gun down so noon gets hurt" I said "mummy why does that lady have a gun" finnley asked me "lets get you three to bed" I  said as I lead them to the stairs "no, your not going anyone" rose said "are you really going to shot me rose, in front of mine kids" I said to her and she looked at me "at least you have your kids, mine or dead or in prison" she said and I walked over to her "i know rose, but you still have marley and prince what would they think" I said to her and she nodded as I led the kids upstairs. Thomas ell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow just like his father while finnley lay there clutching his teddy to his chest "night boys" I said as I watched them lying in their beds. "mummy can you read me a story" sammi asked me as she got into bed "sure" I said as she got into bed and I sat next to her as she cuddled into me, soon falling asleep as I read her a story.

I closed sammi door "sammi" rose said as she looked at the name on her door "yeah" I said as I headed away from her room "after sam?" she asked and I nodded "yeah, you do know I loved sam like a sister don't you rose" I asked her and she nodded her eyes filling with tears "i just miss then denzil and sam, and tom he was there with sams cancer and it made me realise just how much I loved him" she said and I sighed "rose, you do realise that you and tom weren't officially together" I said to her and she looked at me "that's because you got your claws into him and stole him" "stole him? hes not a toy that I can steal hes a grown man who can make his own choices and do you think he would risk his career , risk everything to be with me if he wasn't serious about us, about me" I said to her "you brainwashed him she said as I walked down the stairs "please, brainwash tom Clarkson that would be a miracle I love him, he is my husband and we have three children together its been nearly nine years since we got together don't you think you should get over it" I said to her and she glared at me and pulled out the gun and pointed it at me "are you really going to shoot me, with my five year old daughter and my three year old sons in the house, and do you really think tom will thank you for that" I said to her as I opened the front door "where are you going" she asked me "i have to get some work out of the car" I said as I walked out to the car  "i could make things a lot similar I could just shoot you now" she said as she pointed the gun to me "then why don't you" I asked her "sophie" I heard tom yell as he spotted rose pointing the gun at me, I seen the look of panic in his eye and then I heard a gun shot she had fired the gun out of shock.

I knew straight away I had been hit I held on to my side and fell to the ground the blood soaked my white shirt "SOPHIE" tom yelled as he dropped his briefcase and ran over to me, he led my hand as he supported my gun shot I knew I was loosing a lot of blood I was starting to feel weaker and weaker "is this what it feels like dying" I asked him "no, no of course not soph you cant die on me your only twenty four I wont allow t" he said "i thought I was suppose to be the bossy one" I said as I held on to his hand and I looked to my wedding ring which was entwined with his wedding rig as we entwined fingers "i love you tom , tell the kids I love them" I said as I felt my eyes drop "no, don't you dare shut your eyes" he said as I notice tears fall down his face "im sorry, Im not stronger enough im dying I know I am" I said to him and he buried his head in my chest "no, please sophie your my life I love you please don't go" he said as I shut my eyes "its perfect in the arms of my husband the man I love" I said "an ambulance is on its way its will be okay" he said as I felt my eys close for a final time "'t you dare, wake up I love you soph wake up please im begging you" I heard tom plead before the sound of him crying and then there was nothing.



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