Telling Finley

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I sat tapping my nails against the table, I sat with the phone waiting to ring, I was waiting for Finley's results. Tom Walked into the kitchen placing his hands on my shoulder "have you ever heard the phrase, a cooked pot never boils I think the same goes for a phone, its not going to ring with you sitting next to it, its early, come back to bed you look exhausted" he said "im fine" I said as he walked over to me and crouched down in front of me taking my hands "Sophie" "tom, im fine" "no your not your four months pregnant and your tired, you dad is dying and you wont speak to me and know Finley he...he could" "what he could have cancer and we might lose him, is that what your trying to say tom, that our son might die" I snapped and he placed his hand on mine "talk to me" he said and I felt a tear roll down my face. He placed his hand on my cheek wiping away the tear  "i cant tell you how I feel, because if I do then I have to admit that its happening, that the man that's my father for all of two years of my life is dying and my Finley might be dying and if I have to admit it, then ill break im not as strong as you think tom...if I lose fin, I don't know how ill cope" I said tears falling down my face. He walked over to me and hugged me as I cried on his shoulder.

"mummy" Finley said as I sat in the sitting room "hi baby" I said as he walked over and sat on my knee "are you feeling okay" I asked him and nodded "i heard you and daddy fighting" he said and I brushed his blonde hair out of his face "its was nothing for you to worry about" I said "was it because im ill" he asked ad I nodded "yeah baby" I said "ill be okay...grandma says im a fighter like you" he said and I smiled "yeah you are" I said as tom walked into the room he looked as he had seen a ghost "what is it" I asked him "the hospital rang on his results" he said and I looked at me  "and" I asked and he shuck his head I looked to the ground, cancer he had cancer "Finley why don't you go get ready and wake your brother and sister up" I said as he jumped down off my knee and I walked over to tom "how bad is it" I asked tom and he took his hands in my mine "he has 50/50 chance" he said and I rested my forehead against him "i don't know if im strong enough for this" I said as he placed his hands on my hip "we have to be, were his parents we have to be the strong ones" he said and I knew he was right "how do we tell our four year old he has cancer" I asked and he sighed "i don't know, its possibly the worse thing we'll ever have to do"  he said.

I headed upstairs to get ready I stood in front of the mirror as I checked out my baby bump "shes growing" tom said as he walked in and wrapped his arms around me as he placed his hand on my stomach "still a she" I said and eh smiled "yeah, its a girl im telling you" he said as I rested my head into the crook of his neck. "he'll be okay wont he tom" I asked my eyes filling with tears "i don't know babe, I don't know" he said and I bite my lip to stop myself from crying "im ready" finley said as he walked into our room, I looked at him he had his fathers cheesy smile "come here baby" I said to him and he walked into the room "there's something daddy and I need to tell you" I said as I glanced at tom "you know how you've been going to the hospital and having all those tests?" I asked him and he nodded "well....the thing is"  I said as I tried not to cry "bud the thing is you have something called leukaemia and your going to get very ill" tom said "am I going to die" the four year old asked and I stood up and put my hand over my mouth walking to the other side of the room, this is unbearable  "i don't know bud, but you might do" tom said to him "im scared daddy" he said "me too bud" tom said as he hugged him and I watched on, my little boy, my poor little boy.

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