sammi's feelings

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I woke up next to tom "hello ugly" I said and he smirked "idiot" he said and I smirked as my phone buzzed. I picked it up to see it was my mum. I clicked decline, its too early to talk to her. I went to climb out of bed "where are you going" he asked me "well I was going to get up and get ready for the twins birthday" I said "you are not going anywhere" he said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me back "what are you going to stop me?" I asked asked challenging him, he smirked at me and pulled me towards him before rolling over on top of me "you just can't get enough of me, can you" I asked smirking "what can I say, I'm hungry for you and right now I'm going to eat you for breakfast" tom said as he pulled off the PJ bottoms I was wearing. His hand trailed up my leg slowly teasing me "tom" I groaned getting impatient "ssh" he said as his fingers entered me, teasing me slowly. I looked at tom to see he was smirking at me. I dragged my nails down his beer back and he groaned before placing his mouth in me,his tongue teasing me as he rolled it back and forth. I rolled my head back against the headboard as his tongue continued to do its work. I gripped his hair and pulled at it slightly and he pulled away looking at me as I lay there panting "I need you" I said and he smirked as he wrigged out of his boxers throwing them across the room before positioning himself and entering me, I ran my nails down his back as he bucked his him "oh god" I aiad as I bit my lip "not yet. Hold on" tom said as I bit my lio hard drawing blood "I can't hold on" I said and he nodded as I hit my high and let of and I felt tom twitch inside me as he came with me. I lay there panting next to tom "I can still rock your world" tom said smirking " no doubt about it" I said.

I got up and dressed as tom lay in bed watching me "are you going to get up at all?" I asked "no, I think ill is here all day besides the view isn't too bad" he said and I rolled my eyes "perv" I said "come on baby, you love it I mean I didn't hear you complaining ten minutes ago" he said and I glared at him "mummy......daddy?" I heard the twins running into the room "what is it" I asked "Sammi swore, she said a bad word" Thomas said "yeah she said the f word" Finley said "did she now?" Tom asked getting angry "do you want to speak to her, and I'll change autumn" I said and he nodded "right, boys go get dressed daddy is going to be watching you today, and tell Sammi to get ready she's coming with me" I said and they nodded "your taking Sammi?" Tom asked "yeah I think we need to talk, girl to girl, so you want to take autumn or do you want me to take her" I asked "I think Sammi needs you ill take autumn besides she's the only one that doesn't kick up a fuss"tom said as he got dressed across the room. I stood biting my lip as I looked at him. I was a lucky woman "right, well you go and speak to her about swearing and I'll ring my mum back I think she's wanting to see me more" I said " have you spoke to her since the funeral" tom asked "no" I said "your her only child, she misses you besides your amazing who wouldnt want to be with you, besides I'm the lucky guy that's married to you and gets to fuck you" tom said and I rolled my eyes "such the romantic aren't you" I said.

I drove into town with Sammi sitting in the back of the car, she hasn't spoken since tom told her off "does daddy hate me?" She asked and I frowned as I parked the car "of course not" I said "he was mad at me" she said " you know why don't you Sammi, you said a naughty word" I said and she nodded "sorry" she said " you need to be saying that to your brothers" I is and and she nodded as I got out of the car walking round and helping her out. "Mummy, why are we at the store" she asked me " were shopping for your brothers birthday presents and then were going to meet gran" I said"is grandpa Eddie coming" she asked "no just gran" " is he dead like pops" Sammi asked me "what, no, Sammi pops was I'll I promise you grandpa Eddie is fine, he's at work he's looking after the school for daddy, while he's off looking after autunm" I said and she nodded.

I sat in a cafe as I waited for my mum and ordered Sammi a piece of chocolate cake "so do you want to tell me what's going on?" I asked her as she sighed as she played with her food "no one loves me anymore" she said. I felt my heart break, for my little girl, my baby, I felt like the worlds worst mother "Sammi that's not true, your dad and I love you so much your our little miracle when you were born you were so little they never thought you would make it through the night" I said " but since autunm and the twins came no one bothers with me, I'm the forgotten child" she said and I felt my heart break "is that why you've been acting out" I asked her "that way I'm noticed" she said "I'm sorry that daddy and I haven't been there, baby , but babay Autumn needs a lot of attention and the twis are always being naughty, we do love you you just keep yourself to yourself I promise you we never forgot you" "yeah?" "Yeah do you know who your named after" I asked " mummgs best friends who died like pops and Sam who was also like a daughter to daddy" she said and I nodded "yeah to were, what's your full name I asked her Samantha Maxine Clarkson" she said and I smiled "too right, and we love you Sammi don't forget that" I said as the door opened and my mum walked in " hi darling" mum said as she hugged me "how are you?" She asked me " I'm okay, you" "grand" she said as she sat down with Sammi and i "hi Sammi" she said "gran" Sammi said smiling she loved her gran and ivfelg like the worlds worst mother.

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