im what?

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"mummy, what day is it" sammi asked em as she sat at the table with her waffles in front of her "tuesday baby" i said as i placed some eggs on Thomas's plate as he and finley fought over a cartoon of milk "boys enough thomas you dont need the milk you have eggs and finley you have porridge so stop messing about" i said as i snatched the milk off he table and placed it on the bench "sorry mummy" they said "no, mummy what is the date i mean is it nearly my birthday" she asked "its the 7th march baby, your birthday is not until next weekend" i siad "oh, will granny be better for my birthday" she asked and i felt my heart drop "sammi the thing is your grandma shes very ill at the minute and the only thing making her better is if she gets blood from mummmy but its dangerous for mummy so it has to be done slowly" i siad "will she be okay" my little almost six year old asked me looking at me with eyes identical to her father "i promise you she will be fine, you and i know how strong your grandma is" i siad "what about you, you wont die will you mummy like you nearly did when the crazy lady hurt you" she asked "mummy and daddy arent going anywhere, not for a long time" i said as the boys started fighitnig "boys enough or do i have to wake your father" i said and they stopped at the  mention of him.

I got the kids ready and took them to school before i went to work i walked into the office to find tom doing paperwork "hey, the kids get off to school alright" he asked and i nodded "sammi asking questions, about mum, you me death all of it" i said "shes at that age isnt she" he said and i nodded "how cam i tell ym daughter that her grandma isnt going to die when i know its a lie, when i dont know that she will surbvive and her mother is doing everything to help her even if i could lose my life" i said and he stood up from behind his desk and walked over and hugged me "soph, you have a heart of gold and sammi knows that, the twins know that i know that everyone who knows and loves you knows that, you are the most caring person i know and you would do anything for anyone even if it means talking to a crazy lady with a gun" he said making me laugh "do you have your appointment today" he asked and i nodded "ill come with you" he said "what about the kids?" i asked "ill ring the school they can go to after school club" he said and i nodded as the bell went "i have year eights i better go" i said before i walked out and headed to first oeriod to teach.

As the last bell went for the end of the day i backed by bag and headed out to the carp ark where i met up with tom "you ready" eh asked me and i nodded as he entwineded our fingers and kissed my hand "i love you" i said "i love you too" he said as we headed to the hospital. I sat in the waiting room at the hospital where i started to pace "i hate hospitals"  i said and tom chuckled "god knows youve sent enough time in them" he said "tell me about it" i said "sophie clarkson" the nurse called and i headed into the room "right before we can start the blood ttransfusions,i want to do a blood test to see fi your a right match and as a blood relative you should be and to test for anything else, such ass if your pregnant or have any diseases such as STIs" she said and i nodded as she took a sample of blood "i can have this back in a few hours, if you can wait round" she said and i nodded "yeah" i walked out of the room and found tom and eddie talking in the hall "hey" i said as i walked up to them "how it go" eddie asked "just got wait round for results" i said as i walked over o the hospital room there mum was in "she'll be fine" tom said as he placed a hand back of my back i turned round to face him and leant back  into his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist "she just...she does look like rachel mason or rachel lawson should i say, hse doesnt look like the woman who raised me she looks weak and fraigle, all hocked up to the machines" i said as he kissed me on the head

so i was called back into the room and tom came back in with me "is everything okay" i asked the doctor "well i have your test results" she said and i nodded "everythingg okay isnt it" tom asked "mrs clarskon it seems as if your pregnat congratualtions" he said and i looked at tom to the doctor "im what?" "pegnant id say about six weeks to two months by the size of you" he siad "what about the tranfusion" i asked "its will be a lot more risky but i dont see why not" he siad as tom and i walked out and he wrapped an arm around me "we were always careful" i said "were we" he said and i looked at him "the kitchen table" he said and i sighed he had a point.

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