Coming home

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i sat in the hospital bed as i starred at the ceiling of my room, i was so bored "anything interesting up there" tom asked me as he stood at the door with a bunch of flowers "tom, im so bored im sick of the sight of this room" i said and he smiled as he sat on the end of the bed "well i have good news" "oh?" "yeah, your being discharged today" he said and i smiled at him "really" i asked "yeah, now lets get you dressed" he said as he helped me get dressed as i couldnt really bend "i feel like a five year old" i said as tom put on my shoes, he laughed as he rolled over the wheelchair and helped me into it "its a good job you are really light" he siad and i glared at him "watch it clarkson" i said to him "what are you going to do, clarkson its not as if you can hit me" he siad "wait until im better" i said as he handed me the flowers "white roses?" "your favourite" he said and i smiled "where you a killer in a past live or something, i dint deserve you" i said and he rolled my yees "please, im the one who doesnt deserve you i have to pinch myself sometimes to see that i have a hot tweenty five year old wife who has given me three amazing children" he said and  i smiled

i got home and tom helped me out of the car and lead me to the door "i guess its my turn to look after you now" he said "i just hope you have more patience" i said "well after the accidnet i become insufferable we both know it" he siad "im insufferable all the time, youve put up with me for ten years i dont know how you do it" "rubbish, you may moan at times but i can live with that" he said and i glared at him "i swear im gonig to smuffer you with your pillow one of these days clarkson" i said and he smiled as he lead me into the house "mummy" i heard sammi, finnley ad thomas yell as they ran to me and hugged me i hissed in pain slightly i had missed them so much "kids,leave mummy shes in pain" tom siad and they went off to play as tom sat me down on the sofa and i smiled at him "thanks" i said to him and he smiled at me 2dont mention it"he said as eh took a seat next to me "i really do love you thomas clarkson" i saind and he brushed my blonde hair out of my face "i love you two sophie patricia clarkson" he said as he kissed me on the lips.

"how are you feeling mummy?" thomas aksed as he came and sat on my knee i brushed his dark hair out of his face and looked at his eyes that were identical to my own "im okay, baby ill get better, mummy is just in a lot of pain" i said "did you die?" he asked me and i frowned at the three year old "what, no" " sammi said that you were dead when you were in the hospital,she said that you werent moving" he said and i felt the tears in my eyes at the thought that mychildren thought i was dead, i looked at thomas to see that he was generially upset at the thought "no baby i was in a long sleep so i  could get better like daddy said, sammi was just confused she didnt know what was happeneing" i said "daddy cried a lot when you were in the hospital, i thought you were dead, daddy never cries" he said and i felt my heart sank at the thought of tom crying "im okay baby i promise mummy and daddy arent gonig anywhere for a long log time okay" "oromise?" he asked "pinky promise" i siad as i linked my little finger with his "hey budd, do you want to go get ready for bed" tom asked as he stood in the doorway he nodded and jumped down runnig upstairs

"they thought  i were dead" i said and he nodded "i did as well, i thought you were never gonig to wake soph, i told the kids everyday just how much there mummy loved them just incase but i didnt have you to tell me that it was all gonig to be okay, to reassure me that you were gonig to be okay" he said as tears filled in his eyes "come here" i said and he sat next to me and buried his ehad in my chest "im sorry baby, im sorry i scared you but i promise you that im not going anywhere were going to grow old and die together just like in the notebook, im okay strong ss nails and thank you for looking after the kids as well as everything else, i knew you would be struggling but im here now you cant get rid off me that easily" i siad as i held my husband in my chest, never wanting to lose him

The Tale Of Sophom Book 3Where stories live. Discover now