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Its been three days since Simon returned and tom knows that there's something going on. I sat I the kitchen as I held the cup of coffee I was holding to my chest "are you going to tell me whats going on?" tom asked as he sat down next to me I looked at him and he sighed "i wish you wouldn't keep secrets, soph it what drove us apart last time" he said as eh took my hand "its not as if I want to, but its not easy to talk about, im trying to protect you"  I said as I wiped my tears that had fell down my cheeks "i appreciate It, but im a grown man I don't need protecting, like me protect you, like me protect my wife" he said and I grabbed his hand "im scared tom, I haven't felt this way in a long time" I said "tell me, whats happening" he asked "simon, the man that scumbag that raped me and stole my virginity, hes back" I said as i rested my head in my heads as I began to cry, as I broke down "don't worry hes not going to hurt you, never again" tom said as he pulled me into his chest where I cried.

I drove the kids to school and nursery before i drove into work and just sat in the car as I starred at my reflection in the mirror when the car opened and eddie got in "hey you okay sophie" eddie asked and I nodded "i talked to tom, he told me what happened" he said "he had no right" I said "hes worried about you as am I, im not going to say anything to your mum she...well you know whats she like" eddie said "im scared eddie, I feel as if im that terrified nine year old again, I don't want to be her again she was so scared, scared of her own shadow Im not that little girl anymore, ive grown up ive learned how to defend myself, well I thought I had until he came back and here I am going back fourteen years" I said as I cried into his chest "i know im not your father, not by blood" "you are my dad eddie don't you get it, you've done more than Michael ever has, you adopted me" I said "when I first met you, I thought you were he most gobbiest girl ever, but once I got to know you and your past I know why, you but up that front to stop getting hurt, and im going to promise you that no one will hurt you, not like before im going to be the father you didn't " "thank you Eddie" I said wiping away the tears "come on, ive got your first class covered, lets go have a coffee" he said as he lead me inside to the staff room.

I tied my hair up into a pony tail as I sat in the staff room working on lesson plans, when I heard the door shut of the staffroom, I didn't look up from what I was writing though I knew it was tom , I could smell his cologne he sat in the seat in front of me "why did you tell eddie?" I asked him still not looking up he let out a sigh "im sorry, I was worried about you, and I know that you wouldn't listen or open up to me so I thought that you would to eddie" he said I rubbed my forehead and sighed before I looked up at him. "come here" he said as he outstretched his hand to me. I stood up and took his hand when he pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him  "im terrified tom, he makes me feel as if im nine again and never wanted to be that scared again" I said to him as he wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer to him his lips so close to mine "i made you a promise, the day I married you, I promised that I would never hurts you again or let anyone hurt you and im going to keep that promise as it breaks my heart to see you so upset and scared, especially of a scum bag like that" tom said as he wiped away the tears from my face I smiled at him for the first time in days and I kissed him gently on the lips "i love you tom, I don't know what id do without you" I said to him "come on, lets go pick sammi up from school" tom said

i drove tom and i to sammis school "ill go get her" i said as tom sat in the car, i walked down the path when i spotted him ,Simon the child in me suddenly grew up "what the hell are you doing here, looking for another child to abuse your a scumbag" i said to him and he laughed the most evilest of laughs "sophie darling, theres only one child im after and that's yours " he said i saw red as if hes touching my baby girl, no one is going to hurt her like i was hurt. "like hell, you can stay away from her" i said and i pushed him against the wall, the big 18 stones man who was twice my size. He grabbed me by the neck and pinned me up against the wall so that my feet weren't touching the floor "you've got attitude, feisty i like it, you were always full of attitude but if you ask me your hotter now more feisty" he said as i held me around the neck with one hand and his other hand travelled up my skirt, i was crying i was so scared. The next thing i know hes on the floor with tom standing over him punching him "how dare you touch my wife ill kill you" tom yelled and him "tom..Leave him its not worth it" i said "soph, he nearly raped you he needs to be punished" tom said "i know, but i don't want my husband to go to jail fr murder because of him" i said "go wait in the car soph, ill go get sammi" tom said and i headed back into the car. As i got back into the car i sat there waiting before sammi and tom got back in the car "hi mummy" sammi said "hi sweetie" i said to her as tom fastened her into the car seat "can you drive, ill crash if i do" i said to tom as i handed him to keys "sure" he said as he drove us home.

We picked uo the twins on the way home and i just stood staring out of the car window, when we ot home i stood still in the car as tom tok the kids in "mummy are you coming" finnley asked me "mummy just needs a minute little man" tom said as they all went into the house and i sat there thinking what could of happened if tom didn't come to my rescue. A few minutes later tom came back ot a sat in the car with me "where are the kids" i asked him "watching tv, they'll be fine for a couple of minutes" he said as i nodded as a tears fell down my face "soph" tom said as eh looked at me before i broke down in tears and he pulled me into his chest , where i finally broke after all those yesrs of coping i finally broke and i don't know if ill be the same again.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 3Where stories live. Discover now