A cry for help

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I sat in my old bedroom at my mums, tom had the kids and I couldn't cope not without him. All I wanted was to have a real family, not like I had all I had growing up was my mum and yes she's great but I never had a family. I never wanted my kids to go through what I did, a wanted us to be a real family. without him, I feel as though im nothing. I stood up from the floor that I was sat upon and I noticed a picture of me and tom, I was sixteen in the photo and I had my arms wrapped around his neck as he kissed my check, it was my favourite picture of us, the way he looked at me was pure love, lets just say he hasn't looked at me like that for a while, not since before the twins were born and that was over two years ago. I wiped away a tear that had escaped my eye before i  threw the picture to the wall watching it as it smashed and the anger in me realised. I walked over to the smashed glass and picked up the photo cutting my hand a piece of blood, I watched as the blood dripped down my arm "i miss us tom" I said looking at the photo before I placed it on my bed.

I walked out of the room and walked out of the house, the same four walls were driving me crazy. I ended up at the old waterloo road, it had a sign outside 'one bedroom flats: cancelled'. it was easy for me to get inside the school, the old door by the car park never locked. I walked into the school and stood in the middle of toms old classroom, this is the place I first met him, I walked in here on my first day and we locked eyes i think I knew that day just how much i loved him. I walked back to my mums in silence "sophie where have you been?" she asked "out, I needed some air" I said "what's happening with tom" she asked "whats happened is that he's giving up on me, on us" I said "im sorry"  she said "no, don't you've been waiting for this day fir eight years the day that you can finally say I told you so, the day where you can say he doesn't love you, well are you happy now mum" I said storming off to my room and slamming the door. That's where I noticed it, the bottle of pills, the old painkillers I use to take when I had my eating disorder.

I picked up my phone and dialled tom he answered after the third ring "soph?" he said and I closed my eyes his voice, hearing it just breaks my hearth was out of the wheelchair and able to walk on his own now and im glad "i just wanted you to know, all I ever did was love you and im sorry that its not enough" "what are you on about soph?" he asked "don't worry I wont be bothering you again, all I wanted you to know is just how much I  love you just can you do me a favour" "anything?" "tell the kids I love them, I always have don't let them forget me" I said "what, soph what do you mean, don't do anything stupid" he said "i love you tom Clarkson I loved you since the day I laid eyes on you" I said as I hung up the phone. I poured my self a glass of vodka and poured out the pills into my hand and took the whole lot and necking back the rest of the bottle of vodka. I rested my head back against the wall as I felt my eyes flicker shut "sophie" I heard tom run into the room "what have you took" he asked me as he held the bottle of empty pills in his hand, I began to feel doozy "sophie, please don't you dare die on me" he said as I drifted off to sleep "i love you tom" I mumbled before I passed out.

Tom p.o.v

"SOPHIE....SOPHIE WAKE UP PLEASE DONT YOU DARE DIE ON ME" I yelled as I shuck her frail body onto my knee, I felt for a pulse on her wrist and this is the first time I noticed it, the scars, the cuts on her wrists. dam it how did I not know she was so unhappy, this is all my fault, I failed her, as her husband I failed her all because I was too bothered about the accident and how it effected me I never thought about her, damn it I should have she blames herself all because she jumped in front of finn shakey and got shot instead, her and her heroism. I pulled out my phone and called for an ambulance "yes, its my wife shes overdosed I think shes dying her pulse is very weak" I said to the operator as I wiped my tears away "please sophie, please hang on, I promise to be less selfish and ill be there for you, I need you our kids need you I love you sophie Clarkson damn it ,you just hang on and be the fighter that you are" I said as I held her body to my chest.

I got to the hospital and sat at sophies bedside she was stable they had pumped her stomach of the painkillers, she was stable but she was still asleep "im sorry soph, I was so selfish ill make it up to you I promise" I said to her as she slept. I wiped my eyes of the tears I was crying, if I lost her I couldn't cope not one bit, I don't know how shes still with me at times, shes 23 and beautiful, sexy and smart and theres me a 42 year old man, who looses his temper easily, a man who has a son the same ago I don't even know why shes with me at times. "i love you soph, I always will im sorry, sorry for everything" I said kissing her hand.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 3Where stories live. Discover now