unexpected visitor

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I walked into the kitchen to see tom sitting there sipping on his coffee I stood at the door crossing my arms "are you going to talk to me at all tom, you haven't spoken to me for two days im your wife you cant just go and take a huff on me" I said as he stood up from his chair and placed his cup in the sink "your mad with me, unbelievable I didn't get myself pregnant" I said "im not mad with you" he said with his back towards me "could of fooled me, you know hat Thomas asked me last night he asked me if you and I were getting a divorce" I said "what, of course not" he said "could of fooled me, you act as if im a piece of trash and you've been acting cold since you found out I was pregnant I didn't get myself pregnant" I said and he sighed "i know that, I know its my fault im fourty three years old I should be more responsible you nearly died after your last pregnancy after the twins....I promised myself id be more careful not to get you pregnant and its been four years so I thought id done well" "you realise that we cant always be careful, don't you know that I almost died I mean it happened to me tom, im the one who thought id never see my kids grow up, sammi was nearly two at the time...im scared tom I dot want to go through this alone your my husband and I need your support" I said tears welling in my eyes and he walked over to me and hugged me "im sorry"  he said as he brushed my hair "i love you soph, you know that" he said "i know you do, I just wish that you would show it a bit more" I said and he nodded "ill sort the kids okay" he said and I smiled at him "thanks"

I started to get ready for work and stood in the bathroom as I curled my hair as I placed my curlers down on the counter top as tom walked in "the kids are having breakfast" he said and I smiled at him "are you okay" he asked me as I was hit with a wave of nausea and I crouched down in front of the toilet throwing up. I felt tom pull my hair out of the way rubbing my back until I was finished. once I was done I sat back onto the floor and leant my head against the bath "you okay" he asked "four year...its been four years since I was last pregnant yet I never had morning sickness with the boys, one thing I know I haven't missed this" I said as he sat down next to me on the floor before I rested my head on his shoulder. "mummy. Thomas and fin are fighting" sammi said as she ran into the bathroom I sighed "ill go" tom said "are you okay mummy" she asked me "im fine" I said "come on sammi, you can come help daddy clear up" tom said and sammi smiled and ran after him as tom and held eye contact.

I finished getting ready for work as the doorbell rang I walked down the stairs to see that tom had taken the kids to school. I opened the door to see that it was my dad, Michael byrne stood there I felt my heart drop in my chest. I hadn't seen him since he turned his back on me in Scotland. "hi sophie" he said and I looked at me "what do you want" "to talk, please" "why should I, you turned your back on me I should do the same to you" I said "i understand if you do, but theres something you need to know" he said and I frowned come on in" I said as I shut the door behind him, four years its been four years since I seen him what could he possibly want.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 3Where stories live. Discover now