Time together.

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Later that night tom and I stumbled into the house together laughing, about absolutely nothing "ssh we have to be quiet the kiddies are in bed" tom said as he grabbed my hips and pressed me up against the wall "there at my mums remember tommy" I said as I kissed him on the lips "hmm" he said as he pulled me to him and we fell onto the stairs I landed on top of tom and burst out laughing "i don't think ive had this must fun in ages" tom slurred "what with your wife, the old ball and chain" I said "not so much the old" he said as I got up off him and headed up the stairs stumbling slightly. I headed into the bedroom to get changed and stood in my underwear as I looked through my draws for one of toms tops I often take when I felt a pair of hands around my waist, I jumped at the coldness "you have no idea how hot you, even after having three kids" he said as he kissed my neck and I leaned back into him "yeah?" "yeah" he said as he climbed into bed "you know I never thought I could love anyone the same, not after Izzie died then you came along with your attitude, your fiery personality everything about you, you remembered me off Izzie to start with but I knew there was something different about you, you complete me" he said and I leaned up so I was lying on my side and kissed him "and the fact hat your great in bed is a bonus too" he said making me chuckle as he leaned in and kissed me so that my back hit the mattress and he straddled me and our clothes ended up on the floor.

I woke up the next morning to a bad head groaning I got out of bed and pulled on my dressing gown and headed downstairs to see tom sitting at the kitchen  on his laptop "what are you looking at" I asked him as I walked in "nothing" he said as he exited the page he was looking at "yeah cause now I believe you" I said as I walked over to the kettle and switched it on "bad head" tom asked me as I stood behind him at the kettle "well im sorry, mr I don't get hang overs" I said as I poured myself a cup of coffee "just tell me one thing, please tell me it wasn't porn, tom please tell me you weren't looking at porn" I asked and he rolled his eyes at me "of course not, why would I be looking at porn when I have you" he said as he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me onto his knee. "so are you going to tell me what you were looking at or am I going to seduce it out of you" I whispered into his ear, causing Goosebumps to rise on his neck "if I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise" he said and I groaned "i don't like surprised tom ,you know that" I said "trust me, you'll love this one" he said as he shut off his laptop  "breakfast?" he asked "please baby" I said as I held the cup of coffee at my chest.

After breakfast, I rang my mum to see when she was bringing the kids home, she said that she and eddie were going to take them to the zoo and bring them back either late tonight or tomorrow morning, depending on how tired they were. "well its just me and you" I said to him as I sat next to him in the sitting room to see him on the phone "okay, thank you" he said as he hung it up "whos that" I asked "the LEA apparently their going to open the old waterloo road ad they want me to be head teacher" he said "baby that's great" I said "yeah" he said as he looked to the ground "what is it" I asked him "the last time, I ended up in that school I ended up n a wheelchair for three years, I nearly died" he said and I sighed "baby, it wasn't that school though it was Scotland, I believe in you I know that you can do it" I said as I held his hand "you know if I do take the job, im going to need a new French teacher" he said "me?" I asked "why not soph, your like a genius at the subject" he said "okay, mr Clarkson you've convinced me" I said "welcome aboard mrs Clarkson" he said. I fell asleep on the sofa and was awoken by the twins jumping on me "mummy"  they screamed and I smiled as I pulled them into a hug "hey boys" I said "we seen a lion" Thomas said "really" I asked "it has big teeth" he said "did you like the zoo" I asked finnley "yeah grandma bought me sweets" he said and I rolled my eyes at the two year old "wheres your sister" I asked thm "with daddy" they said "of course she is" I said as I rolled my eyes, sammi was such a daddys girl "come on, boys, I think its bath time" I said to them and they groaned "but mummy" "no buts come on"  I said 


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