chapter 15

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Laurens pov.

"Lauren watch!" Mya said as she jumped over a tree limb. I laughed and squatted down so the  small girl could be run into my arms.

"You promised to come back and you did!" She said and I smiled at her and kissed her nose.

"I always keep my promise." I said and she smiled and grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a pond.

"It's really pretty here." I said and she nodded her head.

"Yeah, but I miss my mommy." She said and I smiled at her.

"Who was your mommy, did she have a name?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"Yes, but I'm not allowed  to tell you." She said and I chuckled and started tickling her.

"And why not?" I asked.

"Because you will know soon. It's time for me to go back Lauren. There is another one of us coming. I  will see you next time."  She said But I stopped her.

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked and she smiled and looked up at the sky.

"I help with rainbow babies, so they don't end up here like me." She said and I looked into her green eyes and I tried to stop her again but she ran into the woods.

"Mya!" I yelled and I shot up in bed and looked around. Camila sat up with me and her eyes were wide.

"What happned?" She asked and I shook my head and laid back down in the bed.

"Nothing I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." I said and Camila cuddled up against me and kissed my head.

"Are you ok?" She asked and I nodded my head and covered my naked body.

"Yeah, I'm just not going to be able to fall asleep again." I said and  Camila nodded and held my body to hers.

" I'm here lo, you can always talk to me." She said and I nodded my head and kissed her shoulder.

"I know." I said and Camila sighed and sat up.

"Well it looks like we're up." She said and I grabbed her hand and intwined our fingers.

"You dont have to stay awake with me. I'll be fine." I told her but she got out of bed and slid on in her shirt and boxers.

"I have something to show you." She said and walked out the door. I quickly put on my clothes and followed her. I walked down the hall and seen a light on it the storage room.

"What are you- o my god." I said when I walked in and seen a ton of art supplies.

"Camz." I said as i looked around the room.

"You said you wanted to paint. So i got you stuff to do that, you can draw you can paint, I even got you this."She said and i turned around and seen a professional camera.

Hidden Life (Camren) #wattys2017 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now