chapter 28

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Umm.. I love you guys...

Camilas pov.

Lauren is now 9 months pregnant, and I leave to take my test today. I laid in bed and looked a my beautiful girlfriend as she slept facing me. I ran a hand through her hair and kissed her nose. Laurens due date is supose to be today. I'm scared to death that she'll go into labor while she is here and I won't be here to help her when the baby comes. I slid out of bed and walked down the dark hallway to the babies new room.

I walked over to the crib and looked down at it and I realized that my baby will be in there in less than a week. A year and a half ago if you would have told me that I was going to fall in love with whorie lorey I would have laughed at you because I would have still been hiding my feelings. I am so in love with Lauren that it hurts when I'm not with her. I love her, I love her son, I love Brynn and I will love Kylie so much. With out them I don't know where I would be, probally still trapped by my parents but it wouldn't have mattered.

"What are you doing?" I turned around and seen lauren standing by the door. I pushed off the crib and  walked over to my sleepy girlfriend and wrapped my arms around her.

"Just looking at everything. Why aren't you asleep?" I asked and she looked up with her eyes to last and shrugged.

"What's wrong?" I asked and Lauren looked up at me and laughed a little.

"It's stupid." She mumbled and rested her Head on my chest.

"Nothing you say could ever be stupid lo." I said and she smiled.

"I thought you left with out saying goodbye." She told me and I got butterflys in my stomach when i looked into her green eyes.

"I can't leave with saying goodbye to you, but I do need to get dressed and get going." I told Lauren and she squeezed me tighter and hid in my shirt.

"I'm scared." I told Lauren and she hummed into agreement.

"You have no one here if something happens. Dinah, normani and ally all went to a wedding and Zayn is in California. I don't want anything to happen to you lo." I told her and I know she is scared but she won't ever admit it.

"You have to go camz." She mumbled and I really didn't want to leave her.

"Go lay down and get some sleep, I will wake up up before I leave I promise." I told her and i led her out of the room.

"But I want to spend time with you." Lauren complained and I pushed open our door open and made her sit on the bed.

"I know but I need you to keep that baby in there so i need you to lay down and stay off of your feet." I told her and I grabbed my clothes off of the dresser and put them on. I looked at the clock and seen that it was already 6 and my flight left at 8.

"I have to call the cab, I'll be right back." I said and I walked down stairs where Lauren left my phone last night. I quickly dialed the number and was  told the can would be here in the next 10 minutes. I jogged up the stairs but before i got to the door I seen some new messages on my phone from Zayn.

Z: I had alot  of fun last weekend babe, we haven't been this close since You had Eathen.

I smiled knowing that she and Zayn had been spending alot more time together. They were friends before and I'm happy to know they are still friends now.

L: I shouldn't have came to you. I was scared and lonely Zayn Camila can never find out what we did.

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