Jasmine's POV

Hi I'm Jasmine Carter but most people call me Jass. I'm 18 and was born on June 10, 1996 so my birthday is on the last day of school which is today.

I also have a brother and sister named Jason and Jessica, ages 23 and 17. Our parents own the Carter co. and Carter Apartments. It's one of those with penthouses and having my parents own it means we live at the very top one.

But back to reality...

The last bell rung, signaling school was finally over. I ran out the door with everyone else and went to my locker.

"Can you believe schools out already... it feels like just yesterday we walked in here for our first class!" I heard my best friend Andrea exclaim.

"Aw, don't worry Andi summer will be over before you know it." I told her.

"Crap we still got years left of prison" She mumbles.

"Yeah-" I got interrupted but my phone. My ringtone for F.E.E.L.G.O.O.D went off.

I answered my phone without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked.

"OMG! Gurl R5 is having a meet and greet outside of Hollister in the mall you're near, you so have to go!!" My internet friend screamed.

"What?! I'm so going, what time!?" I squealed.


"Ok, talk to you later. Bye." I said as I ended the call. I shut my locker and turned around to see Andi giving me a look.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing" She said and started walking off. I ran to catch up to her and we went to my 2014 Camero.

"Well let's get going because I gotta get ready for the meet and greet." I said turning on the engine. I pulled out of the school parking lot and got on the highway.

I turned in the radio and TØP 'Stressed Out' came on.

*Skip car ride*

I turned off the engine and stepped out with Andi. We walked got to the front of the building as Max, the apartments doorman, opened the door.

"Good evening Ms.Carter and Ms.Cruz." He said. "Evening Max." We both said as we walked in and to the elevator.

We walked into the elevator and I pressed the 14th floor button which was the penthouse.

"So what are you wearing to the meet and greet, Andi?" I questioned.

"Um, this cause I don't care about impressing them since I don't like their band so, yeah." She answered, pointing down to her jeans and school hoodie.

"Well I'm going to pick an outfit for you." I said with a grin.

"WHAT!? No way, your clothes are too girly for me." She complained as she glanced at my outfit.

"Don't worry I'll find the perfect outfit that suits you." I assure her.

"Fiiiiiiiiiine." She drawled out.

The elevator opened up so we walked out and down the corridor. I pulled the keys from my purse and unlocked the door. As I opened the door the smell of fresh baked cookies hit me.

"Well my stomach is telling me to follow the cookie scent so I'll be in the kitchen." Andi said.

I laughed and went to my room to look for our outfits and prepare for the meet and greet.

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