
•Andi's POV•

Today me and Rocky we're going on out first official date.

I didn't really want to only because I'm not exactly a girly girl and to be honest, I'm scared.

I just have that nervous feeling of me messing up. I mean I'm so used to not caring about what guys think of me but with Rocky, I know I can be myself but I don't want to embarrass myself on a date.

Jasmine, Liv, Delly and Sav had forced me to go to the mall today to look for the 'perfect' first date outfit.

They forced me into a black leather skater skirt, lime green tank top, white cardigan and gold platform heels. They also fixed my hair so it was in a high, long ponytail with a my hair pushed up a little in the front. (Idk how to describe it lol)

Me and the girls were at Jasmines penthouse waiting for Rocky to pick me up because 'I can't just wait for him to get ready at the band house'.

At least that's what the girls and the Lynch boys say, besides Rocky of course.

I had to sit on the couch, bored out of my mind and wait.

Finally there was a knock on the door and I rushed to get it.

I opened it to see Rocky dressed in a greenish button down with the sleeves rolled up, black skinny jeans and his famous green converse.

I looked up to his face to see his eyes wide and his cute man bun.

"Y-you look...wow." He breathed and handed me a yellow lily.

"Not your typical rose." I giggled. I just giggled, Andrea Cruz NEVER giggles.

"Well we're not the typical couple." He smiled and looked behind me.

I turned around to see the girls with their phones out.

"She doesn't have a curfew but if you upset her I'll break your hand." Jasmine said with the most serious face she could hold.

"Same goes for me Rocky, don't hurt her because she's supposed to be one of my future sister in laws." Rydel stated, pointing a finger.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure she's safe." I heard him say behind me and smiled.

We walked out of the building and to Rocky's car.

"So where are we going Mr. Lynch?" I laughed as we ride off and to the less busier part of town.

"Board walk, romantic dinner and then the park to look at the stars." He glanced at me, a smile playing on his lips.

He knew how I hated surprises. My mom once surprised me on my 5th birthday with a party and a clown, let's just say the punch bowl found its way to his suit.

"Oh how romantic Rocky, you sick because the real you would wanna stay in the basement and play video games or jam out to 'The Script' what's with today being special?" I asked and held one of his hands loosely.

"It's our first date. I want it to be perfect because I really like you, I want us to last." He smiled and kissed my cheek lightly. I blushed and stared out the window.

•Jasmines POV•

The rest of the girls left with their boyfriends and I convinced Ross to let me spend the night at his house instead of him at mine.

We were now currently in his room cuddling.

"Wanna play video games?" He asked in a cute voice.

"Like what " I asked, still playing with his hair.

"Uh, GTA 5?" He looked up from my stomach, where his head was resting.

"Sure, in here or the living room?" I asked and sat so his head was now in my lap.

"In here, I don't feel like going downstairs."

I nodded and grabbed the controllers while he set the system up.

I laid back down and he came to put his head back on my stomach.

He switched it to multiplayer and started the game.

*half an hour into the game*

"Shoot him Jasmine!"

"I don't know how Ross!"

"My fair lady, I'll save you!" He shouted and bursts out giggling like a fangirl which set me off also.

"You're so cute JerseyShor." I giggled and he stopped laughing.

"What?" I tilted my head.

"My nickname is Romeo." He stated the cracked a smile.

"Aw, I'm sorry babe- I mean Romeo." I laughed and he pouted.

"Ok, Romeo, Rossy, babe or baby, but no JerseyShor." He pointed a finger then kissed me.

I giggled and kissed back before pulling away to continue the game.

"I thought I was getting kisses." He pouted and was an inch away from my face.

I giggled and closed the space between us.

His arms went around my waist as mine caged his head and my hands threaded through his hair.

He tilted his head and deepened the kiss. I giggled quietly and he pulls away.

"I love your laugh." He mumbles against my lips.

"I love your morning voice." I mumble back, making him laugh at my comment.

"Oh really?" He asks. I nod and he bites his lip.

"Yea." I giggle and he smiles, pecking my lips before getting his controller.

"Should we do a cop mission." He asks as he focuses on the screen. His eyebrows were scrunched together and his tongue was slightly poked out of his lips. It was was a-dor-a-ble.

"No! I don't even know how to shoot, don't run over the people in the purple there against us!" I screech making him giggle.

"Your so cute but sexy how do you do that." I ask jokingly but still wonder how.

"I could ask you the same thing Juliet." He smirks and I laugh, petting his head.

That's how the rest of our night was spent. Joking, cuddling, playing video games, and of course there was a fair amount of shared kisses in there.

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