
•Ross' POV•

Today R5 was going on tour and it sucked. I was excited for tour but the thought of having to leave Jasmine hurt.

I loved her and I was really hoping that the next upcoming tour, she could join us. Guess not all plans go as we want.

We were going to the penthouse to say goodbye.

Jas was leaving for Florida two days after we leave.

Hopefully she'll be able to make it to a concert we have in Florida.

I sigh and sluggishly drag my suitcase downstairs and into the bus.

"Cheer up dude, we'll get to see her 5 months into tour." Rydel chirped, trying to lighten the mood.

Only it just made me sadder knowing I would have to wait 5 months to see her again but, it's better than nothing.

I sigh "Yeah, I guess so. Is everybody ready?"

She nodded and climbed into the bus, me depressingly following her.

I go and lay on my bunk lazily. I feel like a love sick puppy. We haven't even started tour and I already miss Jasmine!

How am I going to last a year without her? Probably not.

I texted Jasmine that we were on our way and she replied with:

I knew I would break down once I had to let her out of my arms.

I also knew I would cry even though I have been trying my hardest to be strong for Jas.

I sigh and rub my hands down my face and roll on my side.

Last time I visited Jas at the penthouse and stayed over I took one if her pillows and a yellow beanie I found on her dresser.

To be fair she stole a black shirt and a white button down from me.

I felt the bus come to a stop and climbed out of my bunk. Since the bus hadn't completely stopped I fell once I stood up.

I groaned and slowly got back up, stumbling to the font of the bus.

I didn't wait for everyone else and rushed into the lobby and to the elevators.

They soon joined me and my hand flew to the button with Jasmine's floor.

I impatiently stood there, watching each floor number slowly pass by.

I heard the elevator ding and ran out as soon as the doors open.

I reached Jasmine's door which flung open when I stood in front of it.

"Ross!" She immediately wrapped her arms around my neck and I pulled her close by her waist.

"P-please don't leave me Rossy." She whimpered and tightened her grip on me.

I felt my heart break at her words.

I took a shaky breath and cradled her head with my hand.

"I wish I didn't have to Jas, I really do but I have to go on tour." I sigh and pick her up, taking her inside the penthouse with my siblings and best friend following behind me.

She sniffed and nodded against my shoulder.

"I'm just going to m-miss you so much Ross."

I bit my lip, trying to hold back my tears but I knew I couldn't.

I felt tears fall from my face as they landed on Jasmine's soft hair.

•Jasmine's POV•

I felt something wet but my head gently and looked up to see Ross silently crying.

I touched his cheek and wiped his tears with my thumbs.

"Don't cry Rossy, please. It'll only be harder to watch you l-leave."

My vision clouded as more tears made their way to my eyes and streaming down my face.

I kissed Ross gently, too afraid that I might not be able to let him go.

He kissed back and opened his eyes when I pulled away.

"W-when do you have to g-go?"

He checked his watch. "In like an hour."

I nodded and sat on the couch, Ross sitting beside me and wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

I hugged his waist and kissed his shoulder.

"On the bright side, I'll see you in about 5 months." I heard Ross say.

I looked up and started at him quizzically. "What do you mean? Tour lasts for a year, doesn't it?"

He chuckles quietly and kissed my forehead. "Yeah but around 5 months into tour we're heading to Florida. I was sorta hoping you could make it to one of our concerts when we get there, if you can of course."

I smile widely and hug him tighter. "Of course I can! I was dreading that I wouldn't be able to see you for a whole year!"

He smiles and rests his head against mine.

"Promise to keep in touch with me as much as you can?" I ask.

He squeezed my shoulders. "I promise, I'll FaceTime you twice a day at the very least."

I smile and sigh. "I'm really going to miss you but, I want you to have fun on tour. Don't forget to send me pictures."

He chuckled and I felt him nod against my head. "I will and I'll mis you too."


The time came for R5 to leave on tour. To say I was sad was an understatement.

Once again tears had worked their way to my eyes and all I could do was cling to Ross and sob in his shoulder.

He rested his head against mine and I could feel tears falling from his face and onto my head.

"I-I don't want you to l-leave." I cry.

"I don't want to leave either baby, but this is my job and I have to do it." He sighed

I nodded. "I know, I'm so proud of you. Go have fun babe." I pull back and kiss his cheek lightly.

He hugged me one last time and pecked my lips.

"Ross? C'mon we have to get going man." Ross turned to nod at Riker and looked back at me.

"Be safe at college, there'll be a lot of guys and I won't be there with you. Be happy, I'll see you in 5 months baby."

I nod and hug him tightly. I pulled back as kissed him before he walked to the tour bus and got in.

I saw him run to the window and wave frantically.

I giggle and wave back, wiping my tears.

I saw him smile sadly as tears clouded his eyes.

Then the tour bus drove off, me standing in front of the apartments with Andi there to cry with me.

5 months, and then I'll see him again.

To be continued in sequel.

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