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•Jasmines POV•

~1 week later~

I woke up to my phone playing 'What You're Missing' meaning Ross was calling me. 'Why is he frickin calling me at nine in the morning?!

•Phone Call•

Jasmine: Hello?

Ross: Hey babe

Jasmine: You alright, it's early and your voice sound scratchy?

Ross: In all honesty I feel horrible, I threw up four times ever since three o'clock and my stomach is killing me plus my throat is sore.

Jasmine: Aw! Baby do you want me to come over and take care of you?

Ross: You don't have to, I just wanted to tell you that we can't go out anywhere today, sorry."

Jasmine: It's ok and don't worry, I'll be over in a few.

Ross: M'kay, bye baby.

Jasmine: Bye, see you soon.

I jumped out of bed and went to change. I walked into my closet and out on a pair of white jeggings, my R5 Smile crew neck sweater and slipped in my yellow converses.

I put my hair up in a messy ponytail with a thick braid on the side.

I put my phone and extra cash in my 'Chloe Small Leather Crossbody' purse.

I left a note telling my parents I went to the bands house.


I walked up to the door and knocked. Rocky answers it with Riker, Rydel, Ell and RyRy behind him.

"Hey! Long time no see!" I heard Rocky say before I was brought into a bone crushing hug.

"Uh, Rock there's this thing called called oxygen and I need it!" I yelped. "Har, har very funny." He said sarcastically and let me go.

"Ross is in his room." Riker said as he snatched the keys from Rocky and took of to their van. I nodded and said a quick bye to the rest as I went to see Ross.

I opened his door to see his weak form wrapped in a yellow fleece blanket.

"J-Jassy is that you." He asked with his voice cracking. "Yea, baby it's me, what's wrongs?" I asked softly, walking to sit beside him on his small couch.

"M-my stomach hurts." He whimpers. "Aww, baby where does it hurt?" I asked, sliding behind him so I could have a better angle to massage his stomach.

He pointed to where it hurt most and let out soft whimpers. I placed my hand on his stomach and gently massaged it so I wouldn't hurt him.

His whimpers had dies down as he drifted off to sleep. I got up slowly, being sure not to wake him. I placed a soft kiss on his left temple and went to get him a cold glass of water and some pain pills.

I came back upstairs to see Ross completely under the covers. I set his pills and water on his nightstand and pulled the blanket below his chin.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked sweetly. "I'm cold." He whined as a few tears slipped from his closed eyes. "I'll go get you a sweater alright." I said, he nodded as I wiped tears from his precious face.

I hated seeing him in so much pain. It hurt me seeing him shed tears.

I went to his closet and pulled out his R5 Smile crew neck sweater since it was baggy and comfortable.

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