Jasmine's POV

Mark and Stormie went to sleep, me and Rydel were in her room and after some convincing Ross joined the boys in Riker and Rockys room. "You and Ross make such a cute couple" Rydel said breaking the silence. "Thanks, there's just nothing to make me not fall for him." I said already going into dream mode. "Well I'm glad Ross finally has someone to love him and lean on that's not blood related." "What do you mean someone to finally lean on?" I questioned. "Since Ross has his singing and acting career he's more stressed out then any of us and there's been some haters towards him so extra support is helpful." she explained. "Well I'm glad to be a shoulder to lean on." I smiled. "Plus your perfect for him." "Thanks, so what about you and Ellington." I said wiggling my eyebrows. "How did you know about- I forgot your an R5er, your not as excited to see us as the usual R5 fan but me and Ell are going good." she laughed. "Yea well I can keep emotions bottled up inside if needed." I shrugged. "It doesn't help to bottle up your emotions it won't make things better so if something's on your mind don't wait to call." she said. "Oh, no I just meant I can keep in my inner fan." I reassured. "Ok well my offer still stands." she smiled. Just then a tired Ross came through the door. "Can I have my girlfriend back, I wanna cuddle." He whined. "Yea yea, Mr. Needy, she gonna sleep in your room?" She asked him. "Yea I can give her one of my shirts to sleep in." he answered. "Uh, a shirts not going to be enough." I interjected. "Oh I can give you a pair of sleeping shorts to borrow." Rydel said. "Thanks Delly." "No problem, I'll bring them to you." she assured. Ross grabbed my hand and led me to his shared room with Ryland. When we go in his room I noticed Rylands bed was empty. "Rylands not in here." I pointed out questioning. "Yea he's still playing cards with the guys." he said removing his shirt. I stood there frozen admiring his abs and muscular body. He turned around and smirked seeing me stare at him. "Like the view, love?" He teased. "Very much- I mean uh-" I couldn't finish because Ross grabbed my waist and pulled me to him, crashing his lips to mine. I tugged at his hair with one hand and ran my fingertips along his shoulder blades with the other. "Woah, sorry to ruin the moment." I pulled away to see Rydel in the doorway with a pair of pajama shorts. "I'll just leave these here." and with that she shut the door. Ross handed me a baggy red T-shirt. I turned to pick up the shorts and went to the bathroom to change. I folded up my clothes and went back to Ross' room. I opened the door to see a shirtless Ross with his back facing me and with boxers only. "Hi." I whispered. He turned towards me. "Hey, you look beautiful" he commented. "I just wearing a plain shirt and shorts." I laughed. "That's the thing you look beautiful in anything." he said softly encircling me with his arms. "Aw thanks Rossy" He kissed my head and pulled me on the bed with him. I rested my head on his bare chest and placed my hand his abs drawing random things with my finger. Ross had one arm on my waist and ran hand through my hair with the other. I soon felt myself falling asleep. Ross' words were the last thing I heard before sleep took over. "Good night, beautiful." Then I was out like a light.

Ross' P.O.V

I woke up at midnight to hear screaming. I looked to my right and saw Jasmine. She was clutching a pillow and was mumbling something, my name. I scooted closer to her to hear clearly what she was saying. "No! Not him please don't take home too. I love him! Please Ross I love you." then she started silently sobbing. I picked her up in my arms placing her on my lap and rocked her. "Shh, it's ok I'm here, wake up I'm not leaving baby, shh." Her crying soften out and her eyes fluttered open. "W-what happened?" She was so confused as to why I was soothing her. Her facial expression changed as if she realized why she was crying. "T-they took you too, it all happened again the same place s-same time, there was nothing j could do to help a-again it felt so real." she stuttered. "Hey, hey what happened and who took me, what's this dream about." she was starting to worry me and seeing her so upset over a nightmare didn't make the knots in my stomach disappear. She got off my lap and sat beside me starting to wipe her tears away but before she could I placed both of my hands on her cheeks and wiped them away with my thumbs, and kissed her lips gently. She sat up straight and started speaking. "Before you and I properly met, I had a boyfriend 2 years ago. He was the most caring guy I knew at the moment. His name was Nick and he was the first guy I loved." She paused to wipe off more tears and she continued. "Six months after he asked me to be his girlfriend, I felt that I was the luckiest girl on the earth, but that was ruined... one night he called said he had something important to ask me. Hours later I got a call from the hospital saying Nick had been in an accident." With her crying it was making it hard for her to even out her breathing. "You don't have to continue-" I started to say but she cut me off. "No you asked and I'm answering, they found him in a back alley, covered in blood with bones sticking out. He was taking a short cut to my house when a group of guys forced him to give them all of his valuable possessions, they beat him to death, literally, they took what they could find and left him there. Someone passing by saw his body and called the paramedics. Theyvsaid he was nearly on the edge of death by the time thy got there. I was told by one of the paramedics that his last words were "Tell Jassy I love her forever after." He always called me that. The nurse found a ring in his coat pocket, a promise ring he wanted to ask me if I promised to marry him when we were old enough. The dream was that the same thing happened to you. After he died I turned down every guy that asked me out, I didn't want to get to attached to someone else just to loose them. When I met you and you told me how you felt I just felt a true connection and couldn't push you away like every other guy." By now she had hold of both of my hands and I wasn't about to let go of hers either. "Hey I'm never going to leave you ok, I know we just started dating but I don't know I can't even describe how good I feel about our relationship I care about you so much never forget that." I whispered to her. She climbed on my lap facing me with her legs on both sides of my legs. Jasmine rested her head on my shoulder while I rubbed her back. "How about you lay down and get some rest, I'll grab you a glass of water ok." I spoke softly to her. "Yea thank you Ross." She sat up and pecked my lips. I so wanted to pull her back into the kiss but she was so shakin up that I wasn't going to do anything till she was in a better state. I got up from bed and laid her down pulling the covers over her frail body. I went downstairs and filled a glass up with water and went back to my room so I could comfort my baby girl. I entered my room and sat the glass down on my nightstand. Jasmine was peacefully sleeping, I tapped her arm and her eyes slowly opened. "Hm?" I could tell she was sleepy. "Sorry to wake you but I brought your water. "Thanks." she kissed my cheek and I handed her the water. She took a sip and sat it back down on the nightstand. I climbed over her in bed and she automatically laid her head on my chest and her hand on my stomach. I wrapped both arms around her small body and closed my eyes letting sleep take over but not before making sure Jasmine was sleeping.

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