
•Jasmines POV•

I walked home cause we took Ross' car, it didn't bother me because I didn't live far from the the mall.

I so wanted to go back to him and shower him with kisses but if I couldn't sleep one night without him, how the heck am I going to when he's on tour?!

I flopped on my bed, staring at my white roof as I pet my kitten.

I'll just sleep off my thoughts.

Yea because having a stressful sleep will help. My subconscious is more sarcastic than me.

I sighed and walked to my closet to get into more comfortable clothing.

I slipped on some thin pajama shorts. I noticed my purse had a white baggy shirt on it. Ross' shirt.

The one I wore after we went to the beach. I decided to put that on and went to the kitchen to get a snack.

I was looking through the cabinets. Mom has to go shopping soon.


I jumped, dropping a candy variety bag. "What are you doing up Jessica?" I breathed, still trying to catch my breath.

"Just getting a drink..." She said, looking at me weirdly.

"You look stressed." She inquired.

"Yea well I am, plus I took of my makeup." I shrugged.

She nodded and left with her glass of water.

I turned around and picked up a pack of skittles, setting the bag back in the cabinet.

I sighed and trudged back up to my room and into my entertainment room inside my closet.

Not going to be cliche and watch romantic movies because me and Ross are still dating so instead I went with a random season from 'Once Upon A Time'

Wait!! It's only...

I checked my phone.

Ok... it's only 2 o' clock in the afternoon!! Eh, whatever I need catch up on this show anyway.

I paused the TV and went to the closet to grab a blanket.

I went back to the TV continuing the episode.

I don't care if it's not close to night time, I'm exhausted and I don't feel like wearing skinny jeans, plus Ross' shirt is really comfy

I might just ask if I can keep it.

Yea right, stealing shirts from her boyfriend is part of a girls job.

I'm also going to take one of his beanies.

To be honest, I wasn't exactly focusing on the face that Emma Swan had brought back a girl that had been an ex of Regena's current boyfriend.

It was really confusing but an amazing show nonetheless.

I had already seen the scene playing so I pulled it my phone to see a text.


I must've put it on silent when I left the mall.

I unlocked my phone and went to my messenger app.


•Ross' POV•

I drove home silently, not having my beautiful girlfriend sitting beside me to make me smile.

I shouldn't be upset, we're still together we just need the night to ourselves.

To reflect on our relationship and see if its strong enough to carry through the bad.

But the hurt in her precious chocolate eyes burned into my memory.

The tears I didn't wipe, it pained me to see her so sad.

I realized I had arrived home and my cheeks we're now wet.

Way to be a man Ross.

I ran my hands over my face, attempting to dry the tears off but that didn't stop them from flowing out.

I stepped into the house to be greeted by Andi. "Ross, are you crying what's wrong?" She asked. "Where's everyone else?" I questioned, ignoring her previous statement.

"Still out, Rocky is in the practice room now tell my what's wrong." She demanded in a concerned voice.

"Something just happened with Jasmine." I murmured, going to my room so she didn't have time to ask anything else.

I sighed and removed my shirt, plopping down on my bed.

I set my Xbox and played some C.O.D to try and get things off my mind.

Well that didn't exactly help. It only made think of what Jasmine might be doing.

My arms felt empty without her wrapped in them, her head nestled in my chest as she smiles while I softly sing to her.

I wasn't gonna wait, I mean I'm not going to rush over to her penthouse and beg but I'll send her a message.

I pulled out my phone and opened my message app.

I sent that message and lied down.

I grabbed one of my pillows and hugged it to my chest.

Pretending that I was holding my dear love.

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