
•Jasmine's POV•

I had convinced Ross to come to the Grove with me today, of course his answer was 'Only because there might be jerks trying to get with you.'

I just rolled my eyes and dragged him to my car.

I also remembered that I had to buy his present for Christmas. I know, I know, your probably thinking 'what kind of girlfriend buys her celebrity boyfriends' gift last minute?'

Well I'm that kind of girlfriend. I mean what the heck are you supposed to buy for a guy that has a basically perfect life? He has fame, fans, a band, dream career and me. (wink wink, lol)

Buying him a guitar would be useless, same with straps, strings and picks.

He's a guy so he would have no use for jewelry and buying him clothes would just be lazy.

Right now I was waiting for him to get ready so I was flipping through his journal, being the nosy person I am.

I stopped at a page with the title of some plane book.

A plane! Wait... would giving him one of my families airplane be a bit extreme? Yeah... so that's not an option.

I scanned the page and saw it was a book he wanted that only costed... five hundred dollars?!

What is this book made out of? Gold?

Seems like a decent gift I guess. I took a picture of the page and slid the journal under his pillow before he entered the room.

"Hey babe, have you seen my blue button down?" Ross walked into the room with his skinny jeans loosely hung on his hips and no shirt.

"Which one? You own like fifty." I giggle and stand up to drape my arms around his neck.

"Ha ha, now give me a morning kiss." He puckered his lips and widened his eyes, only making me laugh.

"You're a meanie." He pouts and sits on his bed, sighing dramatically as he flops on his back.

"Aw, Is my poor Rossy upset? Does he need a kissy?"

He playfully glares and sits up.

I giggle and toss him a short from his dresser.

"Put it on, I want to go to the mall and you promised you'd come with me." I walk out of his room and into Rydel's.

"Hey girly, what brings you to my my room?" She was currently organizing her nail polish in what looks like shades.

"I'm going to the mall with Ross and he's taking his time."

She nods and stands up.

"That's a guy for you, every time I want tot shop Ell pretends to be sick." She giggled.

Ross opened the door

"Hey, you ready to go?"

"Dude! I could've been changing!" Rydel screeches, making me laugh.

"Sorry, but I knew this would be the one place where Jas would be." He shrugged and grabbed my hand.

"Let's get this dreadful day of shopping over with." Ross said.

I playfully roll my eyes and wave bye to Rydel as we leave the band house.


We arrive at the Grove and go to Hollister first.

It's not as bad as Abercrombie, it's so dark in there and smells heavily of guys cologne.

"Gosh, I'd say to they needed an air freshener but I'd probably pass out from the even stronger smell." I gag and walk to the dressing rooms with a few clothes in my arms.

Ross chuckled and sat in one of the seats outside of the rooms.

I first tried on a simple black dress and walked outside to show Ross.

He looked up from his phone and stood up, walking in front of me. "Looks good but it's a bit plain, do you have a specific place to wear it to?" He says while twirling me, making me giggle.

"No, I actually don't. It just looked liked it would be pretty to wear somewhere elegant but I don't have any upcoming places to go so... I'm not getting it."

I left the dress on its hanger and tried on one Ross will definitely like. A yellow strapless skater dress.

I put that on and walked out of the room. "What about this one? Too bright?" I smile and let Ross circle me, examining the dress, or more like my body in the dress.

"Love it baby, you should get this one." He smiled and brought me into a hug.

I giggle and pull away to get changed.

I drape the dress on my arm and walk with Ross to the register.

"That'll be 19. 60 ma'am." The dark circles around her eyes seemed to match the lighting in this place.

I reach into my purse but Ross beat me to it by pulling out his wallet and giving her a $20.

"Keep the change." He smiled and took the bag.

I shake my head, my smile never leaving my face as we exit and go for the food court.

"You didn't have t-"

I was cut off by screams, I turned around to see a crowd of girls running towards us. Too late for us to run now.

A bunch of fans circled Ross and pushed me away.

Must be Rossians, perfect they're the main ones sending me hate. I should probably go to the food court and wait.

Before I take one step away one of them spotted me.

"You! You're the one who stole our Rossy!" She screeched.

My eyes widen.

Stole?! They seriously need to get over the fact that he has a girlfriend.

"I'm sorry but I didn't steal anyone-"

"Liar! What could out Rossy see in you?! You're just full of flaws." She scoffs.

Ouch. That one hurt.

I looked back to Ross to see mall security guards escorting the crazed fans.

The girl rolled her eyes and walked away after winking at Ross and glaring at me.

"Hey, you okay babe?" He rushed to me and hugged me.

"Besides the fact that I had just gotten hatred received from a fan, I guess I'm ok." I sigh and bury my head in his shoulder.

He kisses the top of my head and squeezed me.

"Sorry about them, but don't listen to them, because to me you're everything and I love you."

I smile and look up to him.

"Guess that's what I should expect from Rossians."

He shook his head. "Maybe but not from true fans, they should respect you and my decisions to date whoever I want."

I nod "Well let's not let that ruin my shopping day." I hand him my bag as we continue walking through the mall.

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