
•Ross' POV•

Today I'm taking Jasmine out on a date, since we haven't really had time I want to take her to the fair today.

Knowing she doesn't like surprises that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I was going to pick her up and park away from the fair grounds and take her for a 'walk'.

I pulled on a blue button down and undid the top three buttons, black skinny jeans, my usual Converse and put my phone in a case that said 'No Pictures Please.'

I ruffled my hair so it looked 'messy but hot' as Jasmine puts it.

"Guys I'm going out, I might just spend the night with Jas so don't wait for me!" I yell as I grab my keys and leave the house.

I heard a few 'bye's' and 'we won't's'

I get in the car and drive to Jasmine's house, hoping she'll like this date I have planned.

I walk into the building and to the elevators when I see her step out of the elevator.

"Hey." She smiles.

•Jasmine's POV•

After getting ready I lock the penthouse and step to the elevators.

I was dressed in a blue tank top, ripped skinny jeans, a light grey cardigan with stars all over it and blue low top converse. I also added a new cell case that said 'Normal People Scare Me' in a cool font.

The elevator doors open and I see Ross standing in front of the elevators smiling.

"Hey." I say as I walk out of the elevator and up to him.

"Hello, beautiful princess." He smiles and wraps his arms around me in a hug.

"Now can you tell me where we're going?" I mumble against his chest.

His chest shook as I heard the melody he calls his laugh.

"No, babe it's going to be a surprise." He said against my head as he places his hand in my neck and the other firmly around my waist.

I sigh and look up at him with puppy eyes and my lips pouted.

"Pwetty pwease?" I say in a baby voice, he only chuckled.

"Nope, c'mon you'll see it soon enough, ok." He pulls away and leads my to his car.

I nod "Fine, be a meanie."

He laughs "If you keep pouring you won't be able to see the surprise.

"Well then let's go!" I exclaim and drag him to his car.

We get in and he pulls out of the parking lot.

"Oh, wait! Put this over your eyes." He reached in the back seat and handed me a bandana.

"Um Ross? Last time I covered my eyes I ended up hitting you.." I trail off.

"Yeah, well this time as soon as I stop the car you're taking the blindfold off."

I nod and tie it around my eyes reluctantly.

After what felt like hours of mindless driving I felt Ross park the car.

I slowly removed the blindfold and look out the window.

It was quiet and looked liked we were at the park.

"Um, wow this is.." I tilted my head in confusion.

"Don't worry, this isn't the amazing surprise, we have to walk to it."

I nod and step out of the car.

"Now can I at least have a hint?"

He shakes his head and kisses my cheek.

"When we get there." Was all he said before holding my hand and begin walking.

I sigh and follow, I zone out in blank thoughts and don't look up until I hear a cheery noise in front of me.

"Babe, look up." I look at Ross first as he smiles and down at me and notice his face being lit up by colorful lights.

I look in front of us to see the front of the fair.

"You took me to the fair on a date?" I smile at all the happy smiles and moods people were in.

"D-do you like it?" I looked over at Ross to see nervousness in his eyes as he bit his lip.

"Ross, I love it, I always go to the fair each year and now I can come with you, it makes it even better to be able to spend my time here with you." I smile up at him.

He sighs in relief and pulls my into a hug.

I giggle and tighten my grasp on him as if I was afraid I would lose him or he would disappear and this would all end up being a dream.

We walked to the gates and Ross paid after wining the argument with me paying for myself but all he said was "I would be one crappy boyfriend if I made my girlfriend pay for herself on a date."

Of course that was a blush maker and I only thanked him with a kiss.

He chuckled and put the bracket for rides on my wrist as we walked to a ride.


After many rides, candy food and bathroom breaks we where leaving the fairs grounds when I suddenly feel a hard jerk on my arm.

I look to see Ross staring at a game booth.

"Babe? C'mon let's go, it's getting late."

"One more game? Please, I swear it'll be worth it." He looks at me with puppy eyes.

"Yes ok, just make it quick, my legs are hurting."

He rapidly nodded the dragged me over to the booth and slammed money down on the counter.

The man looked at him weirdly but set up the game.

After a while I heard a buzzer go off and Ross proudly fist pumps the air.

"What happened?" I looked at Ross who now currently holding a giant yellow bear.

I giggle as he hands it to me and sandwiches it in a hug with me.

"I wanted to be your typical cliché couple." He whispers.

I pulls back and look at him with a smile.

"But your most definitely the best boyfriend."

He smiled and kissed me.

Best date ever.

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