Jasmine's POV

I sprinted into the penthouse as soon as I stepped of the elevator, rushing to my room and into the bathroom to get the shower ready. I undressed and hopped in.

*15 minutes later*

I hopped out and wrapped a towel around my body and threw my hair up in a bun so it wouldn't get in the way when I applied makeup.

I walked in my closet and pulled out shorts and a simple tank. I changed into that and called Andi to ask Rocky if he could find out where Ross was taking me. All Andi could get out of Rocky was something about the beach. So I went with a bikini under the dress I picked out that was his favorite color which happens to be mine too so it worked out perfectly.

The dress was bright yellow and came mid-thigh, I wore gold sparkly platform peep toe heels and a golden belt around my middle with a yellow bikini under it. I did my makeup, making sure I used the waterproof products and curled my hair slightly so it was more on the wavy side.

After I finished I went down to the lobby to wait for Ross.

*Ross P.O.V*

As soon as she went into the lobby I sped off home to get everything for the date ready and change.

I dashed into the house, Rydel was sitting on the couch so I pulled her by the arm to my room upstairs. "Ow! Ross what was that for?" She questioned, pulling her arm back.

"I need help getting ready for a date." I rushed out.

"Aw, Rossy has a crush!" She squeals.

"Yea and pretty big one so please help me get ready." I plead.

She nods and goes to my closet and started digging through it.

She tossed me a white muscle tee, black skinny jeans and a cleaner pair of my original black converse.

"Thanks, Delly I own you big time." I thank her.

"You can pay me back by letting us meet her."

"Yeah sure, I'll ask her." I stated and with that Rydel left and I went to shower.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist and ruffled my hair with another while walking in my room. I got changed and went to Riker and Rockys room for help on planning the date.

I walked in and got straight to the point. "I need help setting up a date, like now." I said hurriedly looking at my watch.

"Ok what about a picnic on the beach." Riker suggested.

"Oh! And have fireworks go off when we kiss!" I exclaimed.

"Really, Ross, really?" Riker gives me an unimpressed look.

I noticed Rocky was texting his thumbs off. "Dude what are you doing, your fingers are going to fall off." I told him.

"I'm just texting Andi." He mumbled.

I shook my head with an amused smile and went to the kitchen to prepare the picnic.

Guess I wasn't the only one crushing on a girl.

I melted Hershey's milk chocolate bars in the stove and dipped strawberries in it, I left some undipped in case she doesn't like chocolate or is allergic to it, I put them into a container then placed them in a basket I found under the kitchen sink.

I quickly mad ham n' cheese sandwiches, tuna sandwiches, bologna sandwiches and PB&J sandwiches.

I put in 2 water bottles, 2 cokes and a container of salt and vinegar chips. I then grabbed a checkered blanket and tossed it onto the .

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