
•Jasmines POV•

It was in the morning and Ross was currently passed out on the couch asleep.

It kinda creeped me out too because I just now realized how crazy R5ers are and how extreme they can get when it comes to the boys.

That dream he had last night really shook him up, he wouldn't sleep and didn't let me even get up to pee.

I mean I have a really small bladder and I couldn't take it.

He finally let me go to the bathroom but waited outside the door.

Since he didn't sleep I didn't either because I knew he was tired and when he's tired he's a frickin chatter box.

I'm so tired but I had to go get my computer from the Apple Store because it kept crashing and needed repair.

"Hey babe, how long was I out?" Ross came into the kitchen and yawned.

"A few hours, you hungry?" I ask and set a plate down infront of him.

"A few hours! Babe why didn't you wake me up?!" He whined and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Because you looked tired and after what happened ladles night you didn't get a wink of sleep." I said and turned to fix my plate.

"That's a lie! I blinked, otherwise my eyes would go dry." He said sheepishly.

"Fine I'm tired." He grumbled and ate his food.

I giggled and sat across from him.

"No! Sit on my lap baby." He whined, squinting his eyes and tilting his head back.

I giggled and crossed the table to get to the whiny teen boy I call my boyfriend.

"You sure are cuddly today." I giggled as his hands tickled my waist.

He shrugged and continued eating.

"Well I have to go to the drug store and get something." I said

His eyebrow quirked up.

"Like what?" He asked with a mouthful of omelet.

"Girly month things." I giggle, watching his nose scrunch up in disgust, adorably.

"Ew! You didn't have to tell me!" He exclaimed and pushes his plate away.

"You asked you blonde!" I laugh and push the plate back to him, making him eat the food.

"Be glad your a good cook." He mumbled.

"Does someone not want a morning kiss?" I tease,slowly backing away from him.

"If you keep being mean I'm gonna tell your parents." He grumbled playfully.

"Oh yeah, because my dad would love to hear that you wanna make out with me." I smirk and watch him blush and whine.

"Your so mean!" He exclaimed, giggling lightly.

"Hey dad! Ross wants-"

I was cut off by Ross' lips. I smiled and kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

I giggled and pulled back.

"You taste like morning breath and eggs." I grimaced and he pouted.

"I didn't bring a toothbrush." He defended as I laughed.

"Well go to your place and change and do whatever and after we can come here and plan Halloween costumes." I smile.

He nods and picks me up over his shoulder, carrying me upstairs to my room.

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