
•Ross' POV•

Today we were traveling to Colorado for Christmas. The best part was that Jas had convinced her parents to allow her to come with us.

Now we get to have our first Christmas together!

Most people would say we were moving too fast but I loved her, and she loved me so that's all that matters to us.

Surprisingly Jasmine had finished packing before I even started.

Currently we were at the band house, all finishing last minute preparations.

Jasmine's luggage was in the living room and she was now forcing me to pack.

I groaned and got off the bed and pulled the empty suitcases out from under my bed.

"Finally!" She squealed and did a victory dance.

I chuckled and sat them on my bed.

"Now get to packing, we only have a few hours to get to my plane.

That's right, she had also convinced her parents to let her take one of their private jets so that meant we would be able to board more quickly and the whole plane will be first class!

I sighed and opened my drawers and tossed random clothes in.

"Ross Shor Lynch, fold those clothes up and pack them the right way." Never thought I'd hear that from my girlfriend rather than my mom.


"No kisses for the whole trip mister."

I spun around to see her with her arms folded and a smirk playing on her lips, knowing me not being able to kiss her for three weeks would be worse than not being able to watch Romeo and Juliet.

"Okay." I said I'm defeat and folded my clothes as I stacked them up.

What felt like torturous minutes later I had finished and was fighting the zipper to close. I, was losing.

"C'mon Ross, it can't be that difficult." She moved me over and tried closing the stubborn suitcase.

Guess it got that from its owner.

"Okay, I'm gonna sit on it to try and bring the ends closer, I want you to try and zip it when I do that."

I nod and pick her up and set her down on the luggage.

After many attempts I had finally closed it.

"Yes! Beat you now Mr. Zipper!" I jumped and fist pumped.

"You goofball, let's get going."

Jasmine giggled and stood up.

I grabbed the handle and we walked downstairs.

"My dear, what took so long." I looked up and mom was pointing to her watch.

"Ross was being lazy and stubborn so I had to force him to pack, then he stuffed in too much clothing so it took awhile to get the zipper to cooperate." Jasmine smiled sweetly.

How much I love her is indescribable.

"Well okay, now let's get going. We want to make it to the cabin before next afternoon."

We all left the house and climbed into the cars.

Riker, Liv, Ell and Delly went in Rikers car. Mom, dad, Ry and Savannah went in the family car and Me, Jas, Andi and Rocky loaded into Jasmine's car. But she was kind enough to let me drive *note the sarcasm*.

"This is exciting, I've been out of Cali, but I have traveled a lot within the state." Jasmine said, looking out the window.

"So you've never seen a snowy day? Like the streets covered in snow?" Rocky asked from behind me.

"Nope, the closest thing I've seen to snow covered ground was going to the beach in November." She giggled.

"Well you're in for a treat because Colorado is now covered in snow by now." I smiled and took her hand in mine.

"How long will it take to get there?"

"Not long since we won't have to wait for other passengers and fan encounters." I reply as I pull into the LAX parking lot.

We joined the others and grabbed out luggage as we walk to board Jasmine's jet, which ironically is named Jet Jasmine.

Well that's new.

"Your dad named a jet after you?" I asked as our luggage was being put up.

"Yep, same for my brother and sister." She smiled as we got on the jet.

"Can I move in here?

Forever." I heard Rocky behind me.

We all laughed and sat down.

The pilot went over the usual precautions before we buckled up as the plane took off.

"Can I-"

"Go ahead Ross, I already told the co- pilot he didn't have to come, you can sit in his seat and help." Jasmine smiled and pecked my lips

Best. Girlfriend. Ever.

I smile at her and kiss her head. "Thanks babe, call if you need me."

•Jasmine's POV•

Ross left to go to the front and the rest of the guys either fell asleep or are devouring any food in the kitchen are, I'm guessing most of them chose the latter.

I sat next to Andi with Delly and Liv in seats across from us.

"Is your whole family going to be there?" I couldn't help but feel nervous of actually meeting Ross' WHOLE family.

"Yeah, even mini R5." Rydel squealed.

"Awesome, I can't wait to actually go to a state that's opposite to Cali, has it already started snowing?"

"Yeah, but there'll be more for sure and absolutely more on Christmas." Rydel smiled brightly.

She sure does like the holidays.

"Cool, I've never had a white Christmas." I look out the window to see the white clouds.

This is going to be a holiday to remember.

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