Chapter 1

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Altomare was an incredibly beautiful city in the Johto region near Azalea Town, but not tonight it wasn't. A giant Tsunami was heading towards the city threatening to crush the whole city and swallow up hundreds of lives.

Among the many lives that were in the city during the time was an aspiring Pokémon trainer named Ash Ketchum. He was travelling the Johto Region with his two best friends Misty and Brock along with his trustworthy Pokémon companion Pikachu.

Ash had already possesses seven of the eight badges needed to compete in the Johto League Silver Conference and they decided to stop and take a break in Altomare because of the beauty of the city as well as to compete in the Tour De Altomare, a water chariot race. Ash and Misty competed against each other with Ash using his Totodile and Misty using her Corsola. It was a tough race but in the end Ash had lost the race and Misty had won the race. Though Ash lost the race because of some mysterious circumstances he didn't know at the time and never did figure out.

After the race they were going to go and get some ice cream, but Pikachu had ended up wandering off and got some water from a machine that a kind girl turned on for him. Ash had come back to pick up Pikachu and then the girl began looking all over Ash taking in every detail making Ash feel uncomfortable since no girl had ever looked at him like she was or had ever gotten that close to him before. After that the girl ran off leaving a stunned Ash and a confused Pikachu, but when they looked at each other ash only shrugged. Pikachu went back to running his head under the water making Ash smile at Pikachu's happy coos.

Not long after that though Pikachu looked up and in the direction the girl ran off in with a serious look. Pikachu immediately ran off in the direction. A concerned and still slightly confused Ash followed Pikachu. Soon they got into an area by the canal to see the girl being attacked by an Espeon and an Ariados controlled by two girls. Because of Ash's heroic nature he ran up and pulled the girl loose from the strings and responded in kind when the two girls sent their Pokémon after Ash and the girl.

Introduce them to Pikachu's paralyzing Thunderbolt.

Quickly Ash grabbed the girl by the arm and ran out of the area before they could attack again. They ran all throughout the alleys in the city to avoid the pursuing Ariados and Espeon and soon they had gotten away for a bit. Then the girl led Ash to another area and found out that they were right back where they started. When Ash turned back to ask the girl who the other two were he found that she was gone.

Putting it in the back of his mind Ash continued on with his friends into the museum of Altomare. The museum was absolutely stunning and amazing and looked more like a mansion. They saw old fossils of extinct Pokémon and even got a small lecture about the importance of them by the owner of the museum Lorenzo. During the tour Ash saw the same girl he helped on the second floor. After staring for a few seconds Ash gave a pursuit of the girl to find out some answers and ended up chasing her all throughout Altomare. When Ash finally caught up to her for a brief moment she said that she had never seen him before. Not convinced ash kept going in pursuit, but had lost her for a few seconds, but soon he found her again and this time she seemed more playful and ran off with Ash still chasing her. She seemed to have a playful spring in her step as Ash kept chasing her as she was smiling the whole way. After turning down an alley Ash eventually came upon a garden arc. He stared in awe for a few seconds before venturing inside the arc. After stopping at the end he saw the girl standing at the side of the building just grinning at him before she disappeared into the darkness. Ash followed, but stopped hesitantly when he saw the dark part. Pikachu followed inside the area without hesitation so Ash followed after as well and after walking tentatively through the darkness and soon stopped and ended up inside another building. Following Pikachu Ash ended up outside and in a beautiful garden area.

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