Chapter 8

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The next day the stadium was filled with loud cheers. "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the First Match of the Semi-finals. We have two trainers here ready to do battle, but only one of them will move onto the finals. First we have Jon Dickson of Sento Cherry Town who has steadily climbed his way up to the Semi-finals and the other trainer is young Ash Ketchum who has shown his excellent skill and his possession of a legendary Pokémon. Also by being in the Semi-finals Ash Ketchum has broken the record for the youngest trainer to ever make it to the Semi-finals at 11 years and 10 months old." The crowd cheered particularly loud.

"I'm so proud of him" Delia said happy as she continued to snap pictures like crazy.

"It has been many years that a trainer from Pallet has ever gotten this far into any League" Professor Oak said in a prideful voice. 'Not since Ash's father to be precise.' Professor Oak looked up at the sky slightly, 'Wherever you are... I hope you are watching your son because I can only imagine how proud of him you are right now.'

Ash took the green side of the field while Jon was on the red side, "And now we shall determine what field you shall be battling on" the ref said. The screen began dancing through the four selections before stopping on the one shaped like a rock. "The battle will be fought on a rock field." The neutral stadium changed into a field full of large and small rocks sticking around everywhere. "No to determine which trainer will be sending out their Pokémon first" the ref said. The colors now began flashing around the red and green segment before it slowed down. Ash and Jon watched with their breaths held until it landed on the red segment. "And Jon Dickson will send out his Pokémon first."

"Now we all wait to see what Pokémon Jon Dickson will send out first" the announcer shouted.

"Haunter let's go" Jon said sending out a floating ghost shaped Pokémon with large hands and a goofy face. Up on the screen Haunter took the place as Jon's first Pokémon icon.

"And Dickson chooses a Haunter as his first Pokémon" the announcer said. "Let's see how Ketchum will respond to this."

"I choose you Heracross" Ash called out sending out his giant beetle shaped bug Pokémon with a massive horn.

"And Ketchum's choice is a Heracross" the announcer said. "Now the first match of the Semi-finals begins."

"Haunter use Night Shade" Jon shouted. Haunter's hands formed together and a black beam shot out of each hand and connected to each other. Then the beam shot out from the middle and straight towards Heracross.

"Heracross use harden" Ash shouted. Heracross stood its ground and its outer shell hardened and when the night shade hit it just refracted off of Heracross and did not damage.

"What" Jon sad shocked.

"Unbelievable folks" the announcer shouted shocked. "Ketchum's Heracross has such a hardened exterior that it can deflect a nigh shade attack like it was nothing. Ketchum has trained it well to be able to withstand such an attack."

"Good job Heracross" Ash said smiling. "Now use horn attack." Heracross charged forward with its horn glowing brightly. It hit Haunter hard in the face.

"Haunter use lick attack" Jon shouted. Haunter recovered and stuck its tongue out and went straight towards Heracross.

"Wrap that tongue up with your string shot" Ash shouted. Heracross shot out some web string from its mouth and it wrapped around Haunter's tongue stopping it in place.

"Haunter try and break out of it" Jon shouted. Haunter tried to break out of the string shot, but the string was too tightly wound around its tongue.

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