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I revised K? so many times. I kept getting this unintentional writers block because my words kept jumbling together. Also ignore the title of the chapter. that came from writers block too.

It's also unfortunate that my phone screen cracks more and more everyday. sigh.




chapter thirty-nine. FIVE GOLDEN .. charm bracelets?

 charm bracelets?

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There are times when you reflect, look back on moments that have happened in your life. To see where you've started and currently ended up, so far. I do that a lot, and the internal reviews are nothing but positive. Heartwarming, stomach-churning, positive. I couldn't be more content that the past had so much influence on my future.

THE COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS with Harry meant a sempiternal amount of pancakes topped with whipped cream. Late night cuddles on the couch or in bed, more and more movies by the hour. That were, fortunately, Christmas themed. Just to obtain that christmas-y aura. Like Rudolph the Red-nose Reindeer, A Year Without a Santa Claus and The Miser Brothers, the original classics. Ugly, matching Christmas sweaters, tree decorations, and fun, fun, fun.

It wasn't precisely fun when Harry nearly fell putting the star on the highest point of the Christmas tree. But it's okay, because I wouldn't allow Harry to slip and fall over the smallest thing. Literally and figuratively. It's always good to have that kind of support in a developing relationship.

So we rest when the sunset transitions into its habitual stygian coloured night. When the moon shoots translucent beams through my window, onto Harry's paler skin. Causing his eyes to glisten and glitter as they watch the colour coded Christmas tree in awe — reaching, blindly, for my hand.

Harry's eyes never leave the colourful evergreen tree. Even when my hand, subconsciously, latches onto his. As if I were metal and he a magnet. They automatically joint together for an attraction.

Like peanut butter and jelly, or peanut butter and bananas. A phone with its charger — something as simplistic as a long chord can give an electronic device so much as life; re-life. Harry is a phone charger and I'm a cellular phone, the dynamic duo.

And this dynamic duo agrees to exchange presents when the hands line up on the twenty-four hour clock. When Christmas Eve undergoes metamorphoses to Christmas Day. A day I usually spend in the company of my mother and my sister, but things happen for an unbeknownst reason. And maybe their never arrivals is a great excuse to spend alone time with Harry.

Maybe, learn some of his family customs as to mine. Bond some more.

Still I can't help but feel guilt. Guilty because Harry took a rain-cheque on his older sister Gemma to spend the holidays with me. His favourite person in the world, yet he hardly ever sees since she moved a few months ago to Croydon.

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