Monday Morning..

636 8 2

*Andrea's POV*

*beep beep beep*

"Shut the fuck up, " I grabbed my alarm clock and pulled the cord out of the socket.

Laying my head on my pillow I could feel the tears building up in my eyes I snapped my eyes shut pushing back the tears.

I slowly got out of bed unwillingly I went to my closet, looking around I wanted to be covered up today not wanting to attract attention.

I pulled out a pair of baggy gray sweat pants and a gray baggy sweater with the words 'New York' written across it and just picked some black converse.

I got dressed not caring about taking a shower I threw my hair up into a messy bun and didn't bother with makeup and went downstairs.

"Hey Mom, hey Dad."

I kept my head down not wanting to meet their worried eyes, I quickly grabbed a travel mug from the counter and poured me some coffee adding in some sugar and cream.

I grabbed my bag and started for the door.

"Aren't you going to eat sweetie?" My mom's worries voice coming from behind me.

"Uh no I'm going to stop somewhere after I pick up Alexis." I lied still not looking at her eyes.

I glanced over and saw sadness flash through her eyes as she nodded.

I ran out to my Jeep starting it fast and quickly pulling out of the driveway.

I honked twice letting Alexis know I was outside, not even a minute later she was jumping into the passenger side.

"Hey, are you ready?" She looked over flashing me a weak smile.

"As much as I'll ever be."

I pulled into my assigned parking space, and looked forward at all the people talking to each other on the steps.

"Are you coming?" Alexis's voice broke me out of my trance.

"Yeah." I gave her a reassuring smile, not wanting to receive sympathy from her.

I met her at the back of the Jeep and we walked into the school I ignored all the stares we were getting.

Fuck he must have told everyone, I mentally smacked my forehead.

Alexis gave my hand a gentle squeeze before she went to her locker.

Walking with my head down I walked to my locker looking up before I got there I noticed someone standing there leaning up against my locker arms cross their chest, fuck it was Tyler.

"What do you want Tyler?" I spat trying to hold in my anger.

He moved away from my locker leaning against the one next to mine.

"I just wanted you to know I'm not going to tell anyone your secret,"

He scratched the back of his neck nervously waiting for my answer. I stood there staring at him not knowing what to say.

"Why?" I whispered not thinking he heard me.

"Cause I saw how upset you got thinking about going back to the 'reputation' and I- I don't know I just want you to know that."

He turned around and quickly ducked into his class well our class I guess.

The bell rang sending me out of my thoughts I quickly grabbed my book and walked into the same class Tyler went into.

I looked forward and saw Tyler sitting in the back his eye met mine before he quickly looked away looking through the window.

I sat in a seat in the front not wanting anymore awkward looks to come to me cause I was just standing there.

After a hour and a half the bell rang and I quickly gathered my stuff and ran to my next class getting there before everyone else.

After the bell rang for the last class of the day I hurried out to my locker and throwing things in it.

I slammed my locker and grabbed my chest and jumped back cause Alexis was right there.

"Jesus Alexis don't fuckin do that." She giggled and started walking towards me car.

When I got closer to my car I realized someone was standing there leaning up against it.

I looked closer and realized it was my best friend, my first love, my first everything, Derek Gray.

I quickly started to run and jumped into his arms, he grabbed me by the waist and spun me around once he stopped he softly kissed my lips setting me down our lips never disconnecting.

When I pulled away I saw everyone staring at us I really didn't care at the point, I turned around to look at Alexis standing there awkwardly I looked past her saw Tyler leaning up against his car looking pissed he caught me staring and walked to the driver door slamming the door and speeding off.

I stepped back from Derek I looked from him and Alexis, she was shyly staring at the ground I let out a chuckle.

"Alexis this is my friend Derek." He smirked.

"Oh honey I think we're more than friends." I blushed and looked over at Alexis she had a slight smile on her face but she was still looking at the ground.

"Derek this is my friend Alexis, I have to take her home but do you wanna do something after?"

He nodded his he gave me a quick peck on the cheek and headed to his car.

"It was nice meeting you Alexis," He flashed her a smile showing his perfect teeth and giving her a wink, she gasped at the wink and quickly looked at the ground as her face started to turn a bright red.

I started laughing so hard I had to start grabbing my side trying to get it to stop hurting.

We got into my car and no one said another word until we pulled into her driveway.

"Okay bye Andi." I quickly grabbed her hand before she could get out and gave her a smile.

"I'm sorry if we made things uncomfortable back there." I said kind of embarrassed.

"Who is he?" She looked back curiously.

"He's um well he's a lot of things." I smirked.

"He's my childhood best friend who eventually turned into something more." I blushed at the memory. She shot me a big smile.

"Well in that case me and you are gonna have to talk about him next time we hang out aren't we?"

She giggled, I rolled my eyes and gave her a wave.

I quickly drove home and jumped out rushing around changing and taking a shower.

*Authors note*

Lol how do you guys like the new guy? Thank you for reading this far it'll only get better ;)

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