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*Author's note * Above photo isn't of the group is just so you have the idea of what the chapter will be. Thank you guys, oh and thank you guys for the votes. It felt amazing to get them and all the views. Love you guys.

*Andrea's POV *

"Yes! Get it." Leah screamed at Jessica who had just walked out of the dressing room.

"Are you sure? I really like this one." She blushed.

I nodded my head and smiled at her, I went back to looking for a dress for me.

It's been about a month since Thanksgiving and we are having our winter ball at the school.

Tyler and I still haven't came out as a couple yet, but we don't hide it as hard as we use to. If people paid attention to us they could tell, we're planning on going to homecoming together, same with Leah and Kayela.

"Okay, Andi everyone has their dresses but you." Alexis came up holding her dress and other bags.

"I just can't find the right one." I frowned, still looking through the rack.

We left the store and started walking towards the food court.

"One more store after food, if I don't find my dress I'm going in sweats." I smirked.

"Whatever." Kayela bumped me and we all started giggling.

Everyone stared at us, some moved out of our way to let us through while others just stared like they were in a trance.

"So this is what it's like to be popular." Jessica giggled blushing slightly.

"Eh you'll get use to the stares. And eventually you'll join in with our games." Alexis winked.

"What games?" We stopped in front of a Japanese place in the food court.

"Oh well let's see, oh there's where we see who can get the most numbers and whoever wins gets $5 bucks from all the losers." Kayela walked up to the guy replying to Jessica.

We all ordered our food and was now walking with our tray in our hands.

"But you all are in a relationship, do they know you hit on guys for games?" She glared at me and I started laughing which caused her to raise a eyebrow.

"We don't flirt, the point of the game is to get the numbers without trying." She smiled at me.

"Oh, "

" And they know about the games, sometimes they play along." Alexis added taking a bite of her stir fry.

"Okay who usually wins?" She stared at me and I glared back at her while everyone's laughs.

"You're right, she usually wins. But last time I think you won right?" Leah replied pointing at Alexis who smiled and nodded.

"See, we all believe we're pretty. But Andi has the usual eyes, the boobs, and the butt." Leah started talking again, I narrowed my eyes and she continued.

"Why do you think Tyler always clings to her in public." Alexis laughed.

"Yeah, I mean if Leah had your ass and boobs I'd probably put a leash on her." Leah glared at Kayela who started laughing.

"Okay can we just not talking about this anymore?" I blushed.

They all laughed and nodded their heads.

"Okay so how do we start this game?" Jessica asked as she threw away her food.

"Okay well Alexis got that cashiers number from America Eagle, Leah got that kids that was in sears, and I got the guys who worked in Macy. So we would be tied, no we just flaunt and try and win. But no touching or talking." I stated and she nodded.

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