Tyler's Mom..

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*Photos is Tyler and Andu*

*Leah's POV *

"Tyler put me down!" Andi giggled.

We were all at Andi's house since her parents had to leave again. Tyler picked up Andi carrying her outside as we all followed.

"I'm not hungry!" She screamed as she hit his back.

We all laughed a there's struggle. Tyler wasn't even being affected by her squirming.

"You are carrying my baby, and I plan on making sure you eat everyday all day." He smirked.

It's been a week since we all found out out Andi being pregnant, our parents and us are the only ones to know. Tyler and Andi laugh about it now saying their relationship is full of secrets that eventually get out.

Tyler placed her in his car and we all piled into the back and Derek and Alexis took Derek's car. As he buckled her up she was still squirming away from him. He kissed her nose and shut her door.

"Asshole." She muttered as he walked to his door.

"Where to?" He put his key in the ignition starting his car.

"Alexis said they are just going to Wendy's." I said putting my phone back onto my lap. He nodded his head and started driving.

"You know the baby is going to make me fat enough no need to feed me till I blow." Andi scoffed.

"Shut up Andi you won't be fat you'll be pregnant big difference." Jessica laughed.

"Have you guys set up a appointment yet?" Kayela asked not looking up from her phone.

"Yeah tomorrow at 2:15." Tyler answered as he took a right.

"Do you guys know how far along you are?" I smiled, it may be a sad situation but we are all excited to be aunts and uncles.

"Hoping the doctor can clear that up." Andi stated out the window.

She says she's fine but we can all see how worried she is, and how little sleep she's getting. Tyler says she's usually asleep before him but always awake before him, and when he asks when she woke up she just shrugs.

"Andi?" Jessica out her hand on her shoulder and Andi turned to her.

"It'll be okay." She smiled Andi returned the smile and shook her head.

We pulled into the Wendy's parking lot and got out. Kayela grabbed my hand and I smiled at her. Tyler put his arm around Andi and she leaned her head on his shoulder. Criston did the same thing as Tyler and we all walked in and sat with Alexis and Derek. Derek and Alexis looked like they were having a heated argument which came to a stop once we walked up to the table, Alexis got up and walked to the bathroom. Derek shook his head and looked the other way.

Andi pushed Tyler's arm off her and jogged after Alexis. We heard her knock on the door and say it was her and then the door opened and closed again.

"What happened?" I asked as I took a seat in the booth.

"She's just pissed about what Tiffany said to her, and no matter how many times I tell her to forget it she just won't listen. And now she's saying I'm siding with Tiffany." He ran his hands down his face.

"Who's Tiffany?" Criston asked as he sat down.

"She's my cousin. She's staying with us the rest of the school year. You'll probably meet her soon."

"I've always hated that bitch. You know I saw her at the mall few weeks back and she called me a fag." Kayela glared out the window.

"She what?" I yelled.

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