The Babies Are Coming..

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*Andrea's POV *

"Please." Leah pouted at her brother.

"Leah no." He stood in their kitchen arms crossed.

"Aiden! Please I beg of you!" She dropped to her knees dramatically.

He chuckled and shook his head. He looked away from her and to me.

"Hey Andi." He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Hi Aiden, I've missed you." I hugged him back.

Aiden was like a big brother to me ever since Justin, he beat up the guys and helped with my school work. You can't forget the constant picking on me either.

I pulled away from Aiden and was automatically pulled into Tyler's arms. I looked up and he was glaring at the back of Aiden's head.

I elbowed him in the ribs he looked down and I smirked.

"Aiden come on what if you gave it to Andi and not me?" Leah pleaded.


"Please." She gave him her best puppy dog eyes.

We watched as he stared at her face fighting it.

"Fine." He took out his wallet handing her his hotel card.

Just as she was about to grab it he pulled it away from her.

"One night and no alcohol." He handed it to her.

"Thank you thank you. I love you big brother." She jumped into his arms kissing his cheek.


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Aiden runs a couple of hotels so Leah got one of his cards so we could stay for a night.

Since my due date is in a few days I can't travel far and the guys wanted to throw a big 'surprise' party for becoming parents.

As we left Leah's house we went to the cars we came in.

"Okay so you two go do something alone together for two hours." Leah pointed at Tyler and I.

Tyler looked at me with a smirk and I returned it at him.

"Jesus no not that." Jessica waved her hands out in front of her.

"Remember that can induce labor, so no sex, no spicy things, and no long walks. Got it?" Alexis waved her finger in our faces.

"Yes ma'am." Tyler and I said together.

"And her we go with the unison thing again." Criston shook his head chuckling.

Alexis and I turned away while the others laughed with him.

"Okay I will call you when we are done." Kayela stated before getting in her car.

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