The Babies..

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*Author's note* Okay one I know the picture only shows one baby. Two I'm sorry if I get anything wrong with like the dates of pregnancy and stuff.

*Andrea's POV *

"It's official guys." The doctor smiled down at me as I started wiping the gel from my stomach.

"What's official?" Tyler grabbed the set of pictures from the doctor.

He counted them and of course there was six.

"I'm sorry can I get one more?" Tyler asked.

I furrowed my brows at him but he ignored my gaze. The doctor nodded and printed another handing it to him.

"You guys have twins." She chirped.

We both stopped moving and stared at her. One kid is enough for me, don't get me wrong I'll love them both. But I haven't even had my 17th birthday yet and I have two kids on the way.

"Well I'll let you guys go ahead and leave don't forget to stop and make another appointment at the desk." She smiled.

"Oh my god." I whispered.

Tyler looked up from the pictures and stared at me.

"Hey this just means we won't need anymore in the future." He chuckled.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"If you thought you were getting more in the future after one you were mistaken." I smirked and he pouted.

We stood up and I pulled my shirt down over my now fully visible baby bump, it's still small enough to hide from school but if my shirt came up you'd definitely be able to see it.

"Hungry?" He grabbed my hand and kissed me cheek.

"Do you have to ask?" I giggled.

"Of course not. What do you want?"

"You don't have to ask yet you still ask dumb questions." I shook my head.

"Okay to the store we go." He smiled.

We walked to the secretary and made a appointment for a few weeks. As we walked to the car Tyler swung our hands and we laughed.

"Your birthday is coming up." He smirked.

"Yes and I don't plan on doing anything." I opened the door to the car and got in.

"Come on baby girl we have to do something, you're turning 17."

"So? What did you do when you turned 17?"

"My mom stayed sober and we had a movie night." He half smiled.

"Okay well I don't want to do anything and I don't want anything." I cut the conversation.

I haven't celebrated my birthday since Justin passed. My parents usually just call or tell me happy birthday and then we go about our day.

As we drove to the Super market we talked about names for the kids.

"If it's a girl?" I turned towards him.

He thought for a moment before snapping his fingers.


"I love that name." I smiled.

"Okay so how about Tinley Amanda Payne?" I asked.

He turned to me and smiled.

"You wanna use my mom's name?"

"Well yeah why not?" I shrugged.

"Okay. Tinley Amanda Payne." He smiled and put his hand on my thigh.

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