The Unforgivable..

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*Author's Notes*

Okay I should be posting one of the photos for the characters but this chapter will be different. Please don't judge any spelling or any other typing problems, my phone isn't working at this moment and so I am on the computer. Again thank you for reading it means a lot.

*Andrea's POV*

It's been a few days now since the plan sprung into action, and I still have to swallow down throw up every time he kisses me.

Everyone in school now calls us the "IT" couple and it just makes me cringe.

It's Monday and I'm eating breakfast waiting for Tyler, He's been staying with me since my parents are gone, they called me and told me they wouldn't be back until after Thanksgiving and it's October.

"Hey babe," Tyler comes over and kisses my head.

I still blush at his actions I take a sip from my coffee and look back at my phone. Tyler sits in front of me and takes my phone.

''HEY!" I protest and he starts scrolling on my phone.

He chuckles and hands it back. I watch him take a bite of his toast. How can someone be so attractive doing the smallest things. He looks up and smiles at me but it doesn't last long as he looks up at the clock.

" Come on we got to go, you want to the leave first or me?"

I nod my head, I'm really tired of acting the only good thing that's happened during this time is Alexis and Derek are actually dating now, and they're both so happy.

"You can go first, I still gotta get my bag ready." He nods and places his plate into the sink.

He grabs his back off of the chair, he pulls me out of my chair and places his soft lips onto mine.

The kiss moves slow and neither of us want to break it. He pulls away and I pout out my bottom lip, he smirks and kisses my forehead and pulls me into a hug.

"I don't want to do this anymore Tyler, I'm tired of walking down the hallway holding his hand and being called the 'it' couple. If me and him are a couple than I'm positive he's cheating on me." I smirk.

He chuckles and places his hand gently on my cheek.

"I know babe, It's almost over." He pulls away and grabs his keys off from the counter and leaves.

I huff and sit back down I place my head in my hands. Why am I doing this I swear the same thing happens.


I pick up my phone and see I have three unread text messages. One from Alexis, One from Andrew, And one from Tyler. I open Alexis's first, lately Derek has picked her up so I haven't had to.

"I need you Andi, me and Derek had a big fight. I don't want to go to school."

I could almost hear her cries through the text. I quickly sent back a 'on my way' and grabbed my stuff and rushed out of the house.

I ignored the other two text, which isn't going to go over well for either of them. I heard my phone go off a few more times. I hear the ringtone Andrew set for his contact and I picked up.

"Hello?" I heard people in the back talking.

"Where are you? Schools starting soon and I'm not walking in without you." He states, I roll my eyes and let out a buff of air.

"I'm sorry babe, Alexis needs me I'll be there late." I hear him let out a breath.

"Fine just make it fast, you guys aren't even friends anymore." He spat. I clenched my jaw and tried talking but it came out more as a whisper.

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