Meet Tinley Amanda Payne And Jace Carter Payne

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*Twins above*

Andrea's POV

Tyler sped his way to the hospital ignoring stop signs and red lights.

"Tyler if you keep doing that you'll get pulled over, and I don't intend to have the babies in a fuckin car!" I snapped.

"We're here." Tyler jumped out of his side and rushed to me.

He opened the door and helped me out rushing me towards the door.

We got to counter and I leaned up against the counter holding myself up.

"Hey guys how can I help you?" The receptionist smiled at us.

"My girlfriend is going into labor." Tyler blurted.

The lady nodded and motioned for some nurses to come over. They sat me in a wheelchair as the rest of the group came through door.

"My parents. Has anyone called my parents?" I looked up at the group.

"Yes I called your parents, they are on their way." Derek answered.

"And I called mom and dad." Jessica came around the corner putting her phone away.

"Okay ma'am we're taking you to a private room. You guys can visit once she's set up." The male nurse smiled down at me before pushing me through some double doors with Tyler following behind.

After I was in a gown and laying on a very stiff bed Tyler's parents and mine came in with the group.

"Hey Bunny, how are you?" My dad smiled at me from the door.

"I'm tired." I cried.

"It's okay it'll be over soon." My mom gripped my hand.

"Oh really? How long were you in labor with Justin and I? And how about you how long with Jessica and Tyler?"

My mom smiled backing away, while Amanda tilted her head and smiled.

"You'll do great honey." Amanda whispered.

"Do you need anything?" Jackson stood at the end of my bed.

"I need more ice, the damn doctor won't give me anything else."

Jackson chuckled and took my cup from the table.

"I'll be back."

"Thank you! You are more help then Tyler." I yelled back at him.

"Hey! I'm right here." Tyler whined.

"You haven't even asked if I needed anything, your dad comes in and right away asks if I need something."

"I've been by your side this entire time helping."

"Yeah well if it wasn't for you we wouldn't be in this situation now would we?"

"It's not just my fault!"

"It's more yours then mine!"

"Damn even in the hospital and they argue." Jessica whispered to Leah.

"Shut up!" We yelled together.

"Dammit you two knock it off with the fighting!" Amanda snapped.

My mom and dad chuckled.

"Sorry." We mumbled.

"Did you guys ever choose God Parents?" Amanda smiled.

"Yeah, Derek and Alexis." Tyler didn't look up but instead fixed the pillow behind my back.

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