Last Day At The Hospital..

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*Andrea's POV *

I put the rest of Ashley's clothes into her bag as she got dressed in the bathroom. The entire group and I stayed in Washington until she was released.

Josh, Tyler, Jared, and Derek have gotten really close and all of the girls have gotten close with Riley. Johnny is hardly ever around us but when he is he's apart of the group too.

I looked up once I heard a knock on the door. Derek stood at the bathroom door trying to get Ashley's attention.

"What?" Ashley's frustrated voice traveled through the door.

I frowned and walked towards the door.

"Were going to go get pizza do you guys want to come?"

"Yeah sure whatever." She snapped through the door.

Derek flinched back and looked over at me.

"Ashley are you okay?" I leaned up against the door frame.

"No I'm fuckin not, my god damn leg is in a cast and I can't bend over without wheezing!"

"Unlock the door."

I heard the click and I slipped into the room, Ashley was sitting on the closed toilet with her hands gripping her hair.

"Here I'll help you."

I motioned for her to lift her arms and I pulled her shirt over her head. I laid it across the sink. I grabbed her black top and put it on and tied it around her neck.

I got her to stand up while leaning on the wall for support and slipped off the hospital pants. I grabbed the shorts and put them on her. And then handed her a cardigan.

I helped her with her shoes and then she sat back down letting me waterfall braid her hair and putting the hair band on her head

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I helped her with her shoes and then she sat back down letting me waterfall braid her hair and putting the hair band on her head. I gave her the sunglasses and she looped them on her shirt.


"Yeah see this is why I let you pick my outfits." She smirked.

"What ever." I rolled my eyes.

We exited the bathroom and entered the room where everyone was waiting.

"Let's go I already filled out your discharge papers." Josh put his arm around her waist and picked her up.

"I can walk."

"Technically you can't." I shot back pointing at her leg.

She rolled her eyes and let Josh carry her out as we all followed them. Tyler came up from behind me and tangled out fingers together.

"Who's riding with who?" Ashley yelled from over Josh's shoulder.

"Well Tyler and I are riding in my car, Alexis and Derek ride together, and so does Jessica and Criston." I pointed to everyone.

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