It's the end of fifth year for us

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Now that exams were over the next weeks went smoothly. Well, as smooth as they could get when your friend just got called a Mudblood by their best friend.

"It's finally time for the summer holidays" I exclaimed happily sitting net to the girls on the dorm room floor.

"I know, i'm relieved actually, I won't have to suffer the pity stares from Snape" Lily sighed lying back on the floor and placing her legs up against her bed in happiness.

"Lil's we've already tried sorting that out" Marlene said. It was true, they had glared at Snape every time he stared but that didn't deter him from staring anymore. It might have even encouraged the staring.

"and it didn't work did it, but that doesn't matter anymore, you're over him, it was bad but you've made it through, anyway, we should probably get to the train, I believe it leaves in twenty minutes" Alice sighed.

"I'm gonna miss you guys" Marlene said wiping a fake tear away. I just rolled my eyes.

"Come on, let's get up, or we never will" I said pushing myself to my feet. Lily stuck out her hand and I grudgingly took it pulling her up. Lily then did this to Marlene and Marlene Alice.

"We're leaving" I called to the dogs. They trudged out from under the bed and stared at me.

"But I don't wanna leave" Minnie Marls whined. I just laughed and crossed my arms.

"But you have to, so no complaining, come on, go to your respective owners, they don't want missing dogs" I said and they grudgingly moved to their owners. I smiled. "Good"

"Ali, can you not do that, it really scares me" Alice whimpered.

"Sorry A, just telling your lazy dogs to get up and go to you" I said rolling my eyes.

"Hmmm, I thought you were telling them off" Marlene said with a thinking face. I just sighed walked out of the dorm. The girls followed after me and began a conversation about food. I skipped down to the train and found a compartment.

"Hurry up" I chimed. They all ran in as the train began to move. I laid back and smirked as they ran in out of breath.

"We nearly missed the train" Alice said collapsing into a chair.

"Good thing you guys have me then isn't it, always their to tell you when you need to get up off your lazy bums and hurry up" I said smirking even more. The three girls just sighed and congratulated me.

"What would we ever do without you" Marlene said sarcastically.

"Well, you would be standing on the empty platform for sure" I said happily.

"Have a gold star" Lily said rolling her eyes.

"Thanks Lil's, I always wanted a gold star" I said wiping away a fake tear, "You've made my day..." I was about to continue when their was a large thump from outside our compartment door.

"Ouuuuuuuuch Proooooooongs" Sirius whined.

"It was your fault for walking so slowly Padfoot" James said and I could almost see him smirking. I could hear laughter in the background and I was assuming that was Remus and Peter. My suspicions were made correct.

"Oh, shut your mouth Moony and Wormtail" Sirius grunted.

"Just get up off the floor Padfoot, it's not that bad" James complained. I laughed at the bewildered faces of the girls and rolled my eyes opening the compartment door. Sirius rolled through and sat up in the middle of the compartment.

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