Chapter 30 Final

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P.S: The Longest Chapter in this Season LoL...XD


Days passed quickly, Yuya and Daiki finish the tour and return to the palace where the king and the queen waiting for them.

"I call our families to come tomorrow, you have to prepare yourself ". 

"I told the maids to prepare the table out of the area in the back". King Koichi with his wife Yuko said to him and he nodded.

"Thanks Dad, Thanks Mom, I Will go to take my rest now". Yuya said but Koichi stop him.


"Yes Dad?!".

Koichi get closer to his son and whisper something to him and make him frown.

"Why Did You invite Him?!". Yuya asked almost shouting.

"Yuya, he is from the family after all". Yuya bite his lower lips in anger. 

"He is Not!". Yuya said whispering firmly and Koichi pat his shoulder. 

"Be careful". Koichi said then leave with his wife.

"Yuyan? Are you ok?". Daiki ask him and he just nodded.

"Un, Let's go".

He hold her hand and go to his room. Daiki know that there is something wrong will happen and it definitely related to the party tomorrow, that's way she tried her best to just calm down and just let it be.


Kei and Kota were in the restaurant eating their lunch together, when suddenly someone interrupt them.

"Excuse me Inoo-san".

"Yes, Nakayama-san?!".

"There is a lot of people wanted you and Arioka-san to take the head of their parties, what should I replay them?!". Nakayama said and Kei sighed.

"Wait, I will call Dai-chan first". Kei take out her phone and call Daiki.

"What's wrong Kei?!".

"Ne, what do you think of our project of setting the parties?! ". Kei asked.

"Well...I'm not sure about it, as I said to you yesterday, our wedding will be after tomorrow and you know what I will be after that, So I don't have time for it". Daiki said and Kei nodded.

"So...Should we talk to them today and said that we are no longer in this Field?!".

"Yes why not? We will show them that we are busy with our life". Daiki said and Kei giggle. 

"Ok then, I will set the time and tell you, how is the preparation for the party tomorrow?!".

"It's fine, you will come right?!". 

"Of course we will, see you at night then".

"Ok, see you~". Kei hung up and looked at Nakayama who was still standing there.

"Tell the media that me and Dai-chan will talk about our retirement today at 7:30 pm in the meeting hall here, That's it". Kei said and Nakayama bowed to her then leave.

"Are you sure?!". Kota asked and she nodded.

"Yes, we are sure about that, we are not regretting at all". Kei said with a smile and Kota hold her hands.

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