Chapter 4

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*Lilia's P.O.V*

Joe and I didn't really do much after we filmed our videos, we just lounged around in front of his TV. Most people would probably find that pretty boring, but I actually enjoyed just sitting there and enjoying each other's company. Unfortunately, though, Zoe and Alfie soon came to pick me up. They came in for a bit so they could spend some time with Joe, but then we had to leave.

"I'll most likely see you lot before you go back to Brighton, so let's not do the big, emotional goodbye just yet." Joe joked as he hugged me.

"Deal." I giggled, "See you soon, Joe."

"See you soon, Lils." He kissed the top of my head, before hugging Zoe and saying goodbye to Alfie. The three of us soon left Joe's place and got into Zoe's car.

"So, we're going home now, right?" I guessed as I did my seatbelt up.

"Actually, we're going to meet up with Mark at McDonald's." Alfie told me.

"Oh, okay." I shrugged, not really bothered until I realised something, "Wait, is Connor going to be there?"

Connor Ferris was the younger brother of Mark Ferris, one of Zoe's best friends. Connor was going to be eighteen in December but trust me, he did not act like it. He acted more like a ten year-old. He was immature, obnoxious, irresponsible, the list goes on. Don't get me wrong, I loved Mark, he never failed to make me laugh, it was just his brother that I didn't love quite as much. I didn't even like him. At all.

"I don't know, Lilia. But if he is, can you please try to get along with him?" Zoe practically begged, looking at me through the rear-view mirror.

"Zoe, he's the most annoying person on the planet. You can't just expect me to get along with him." I claimed.

"Please, Lilia." She pleaded.

"Fine, I'll try and be nice." I huffed, before adding, "But I'm not going to mean it."

"Thank you." She smiled, before starting the engine and driving to the nearest McDonald's. We got there in a matter of minutes and I prayed so hard that Connor wouldn't be there, but sadly, my prayers were not answered. We entered the restaurant and found Mark and his devil of a little brother sat at one of the booths. Zoe and Alfie sat down on Mark's side of the booth, leaving no room for me.

"Where am I supposed to sit?" I pouted.

"Um, there, maybe?" Zoe suggested like it was the most obvious thing in the world, pointing to the spot next to Connor.

"Why are you trying to torture me, Zoe? What did I ever do to you?" I asked my sister as I reluctantly sat down next to the idiot.

"Nice to see you too, Lilia." Connor said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

"Look, I promised Zoe I would be nice to you, but seeing as you're literally the most obnoxious person in the entire galaxy, that's next to impossible, so could you just do me a favour and not talk to me? Thanks." I ended off with an obviously fake smile.

"You know, I would, but it seems like you really want me to not talk to you and, well, I can't do what you want, can I? So I'm afraid you're just going to have to put up with me." He replied with a grin just as fake as mine. I just groaned in frustration. Seriously, you don't know annoyance until you've met him.

"Me and Alf are going to order. What do you want, Lils?" Zoe asked me.

"Can I have a McChicken and a vanilla milkshake, please, Zo?" I requested.

"You got it." She smiled, before she and Alfie went up to order.

"I need the loo, I'll be back in the bit." Mark announced minutes after Zoe and Alfie had left.

"No, please don't leave me with her!" Connor shouted.

"No, please don't leave me with him!" I shouted at the exact same time. Mark just chuckled and walked off.

"Well, this is just great." Connor muttered.

"I thought you wanted me to have to put up with you?" I pointed out.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I want to be left alone with you. There's only so much I can take." He said.

"What are you even doing here, anyway? This would've been such a nice meal with me, my sister, Alfie and Mark, but you just had to ruin in with your presence, didn't you?" I huffed.

"Believe it or not, this is a free country and if I want to go to McDonald's with my brother, I will, thank you very much. And if anyone's ruining it with their presence, it's you, my friend." He retorted.

"You wish I was your friend." I shot back.

"In your pathetic little dreams." He snorted. We continued to bicker back and forth until Zoe and Alfie came back.

"Thank god you're back! I can't stand being alone with him any longer!" I sighed in relief.

"Glad the feeling's mutual." Connor retaliated.

"Where's Mark?" Alfie asked, chuckling at us. Why does everyone laugh at us arguing? It's not funny! I could kill him if I really wanted to, and sometimes I do...

"Bathroom." Connor and I answered in unison, before sending death glares to each other. God, he's the worst!

We stayed at McDonald's for about an hour and a half until Zoe and Alfie decided it was time for us to leave. Thank the lord!

"Finally! I thought I'd never get away from him!" I exclaimed, eagerly leaving the booth, not wanting to sit next to him for a second longer.

"Ditto." Connor said in a fake nice voice, paired with a fake smile.

"We'll probably see you again before we go back to Brighton." Zoe told Mark.

"What?! No! I can't spend anymore time with him!" I whined, pointing at Connor, who made some stupid about feeling the same way. Zoe just ignored me and hugged Mark goodbye. I also hugged Mark, but not Connor, of course. Just the thought of hugging him makes my skin crawl.

Anyways, Zoe, Alfie and I left McDonald's and went back to Jim and Tanya's. After ranting to them about my horrible evening, I went up to my temporary room and spent the rest of the night editing mine and Joe's video for my channel.

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