Chapter 24

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*Lilia's P.O.V*

It was currently 4:30 pm on a Thursday and I was getting ready to go back to school with Zoe and Alfie for Parents Evening. I was kinda nervous, for two reasons, 1) I knew my school performance wasn't as great as usual since things started going downhill with Callum, which brings me to 2) which is Callum will be there. But surely he won't do anything to me with so many people around, right? Especially when two of those people are my sister and her boyfriend.

I took off my school uniform and caught sight of my underwear-clad body in my full-length mirror. I stopped and stared back at my reflection, at the damage that had been caused by my boyfriend, by the one person who was supposed to love me and protect me, not paint my body black, purple and blue with his owns fists. My fingers ghosted over one of the freshest bruises which was situated just above my right hip. I winced when I tried applying more pressure to it, instantly regretting it and pulling away, hissing in pain.

I know what you're all thinking: "Why would you stay in a relationship with someone who does that to you?" and the truth is, I can't leave. I wish I could, but I'm terrified. If this is what he does to me when I put all my energy into making sure I don't upset him, then I don't even want to think about what he would do to me if I did something like try to break up with him. He could kill me.

"Zoe says you need to hurry up if-" My bedroom door suddenly burst open and Connor walked in, stopping dead in his tracks and his eyes going wide when he saw me stood in front of my mirror in nothing but a bra and panties, several bruises scattered across my body, "What the-"

"Get out!" I immediately screamed, not knowing what else to do, "Get out!" Not even caring that I was only in my underwear, I charged towards Connor and shoved him out of my room, slamming the door behind him. I stood with my back against the door for a few minutes, trying to stop myself from panicking. What if he figures out that it was Callum? What if he tells someone? What if he confronts Callum?!

I took some deep breaths and tried to calm myself down, wiping the tears that had managed to escape my eyes. I had to pull myself together. If I leave this room in this state, Zoe and Alfie will definitely know something's up. That's if Connor hasn't blabbed to them already.

I quickly got dressed, pulling on my red, pink and black & white striped 'lovecats' jumper, my floral embroidered skinny jeans, my white Converse and my black bomber jacket with pink faux fur. I quickly did my hair, redid my makeup and added some accessories before I was ready.

I took a deep breath before leaving my bedroom and making my way downstairs, only to find Connor waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs

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I took a deep breath before leaving my bedroom and making my way downstairs, only to find Connor waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. I tried to ignore him and walk past him, but he gently grabbed my arm, probably being careful of the bruises he saw only moments ago.

"Lilia," He started and I saw something in his eyes that I'd never seen him show towards me before. Concern.

"Leave me alone, Connor." I tried to shrug him off but he wouldn't let me go.

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